
The people you’re talking to aren’t the people who are going to cost Dems Congress in 2022 and the presidency in 2024. It is going to be people who voted for Dems because Dems promised to make their lives better and then are going to look around and see a bunch of half-filled and unfilled promises. Of course I’m going

back to hell next year and then when you thought it couldn’t get worse... 2024! i will always vote blue because it is much better than the gop having unlimited power again. i’m already seeing so many people not wanting to vote and not caring if republicans take over because the dems didn’t go through with every single

What’s happening right now is unbelievable. Even recognizing how much Democrats can fuck things up, I never would have thought they could fuck up just passing one of the most popular pieces of major legislation in my lifetime (over 75% support overall, 59% OF REPUBLICANS support it) while Republicans are over there

I’m curious about it myself.

Kate was taking on a role.

Ending this tirade with what is essentially “but why isn’t there a WHITE HISTORY MONTH?!” sums up your objections to Meghan quite perfectly.

lol at little girls wearing tights to a wedding as an ancient cultural tradition that must be honored.

re: Meghan as a bully, I suspect (and other commenters have remarked) that it’s possible (likely?) Meghan was just being a black woman who wasn’t afraid to be frank about what she wanted, what she didn’t want, and who was/was not meeting expectations.

and also, since someone on Kate’s staff would presumably be dressing Charlotte- couldn’t she just put the tights on if she cared that much? And we’re supposed to believe that Kate is so passionately invested in her toddler getting bride approval to wear tights that she cried?

Meghan was a fairly successful actress prior to all of this, so she certainly had appeal prior to the marriage. While midrange Hollywood money isn’t royal family money, most of us would consider that not a bad way to live.

Also feel free to use “couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel”.

Can we imagine Kate crying because she was terrified the Palace staff would chew her out if Charlotte and the other little girls didn’t wear “tights” and Meghan said “Don’t worry about it, if she says something I’ll take the heat, we don’t want the girls to be uncomfortable, it’s going to be a long day and let’s

The main reason I don’t believe they were behind it is that they were several years too late. Why wait until they were divorced? Wouldn’t they have done it before everyone’s reputations were in tatters and their motive was obvious? If not for that logic, I would be inclined to believe they did it.

Plus they are little girls!! Who gives a shit?

If that was really why they didn’t like her (and not the racism and the fact that these little things - if true - coming from a white Meghan wouldn’t have caused such an uproar), wouldn’t the tabloids have been happy to finally be rid of them? Instead, they were even more vicious and accused Harry of betraying his

this - its children in the heat at a summer wedding in tights. This is a stupid fight that someone around Kate Middleton keeps bringing up and it makes the future Queen sound like an overstuffed prom Queen high on her own perfume. 

Americans make the monarchy out to be way more controlling and important than it is.

Kids definitely wear pantyhose.

They removed themselves from a situation where people were constantly gossiping and scrutinizing their every move. For godsakes, the press acted like there’s a “wrong” way to be pregnant.

It would be an interesting exercise to measure and quantifiably compare the number of words the Times and other British rags have devoted to Meghan and how much devoted to Prince Andrew, who raped child slaves.