
Yeah, we got a million leaked stories from Meghan’s staff in 2018, about how difficult she was to work with, and how it was driving assistants away. And the examples for how she was “difficult” were things like: she wakes up at 5 AM, she sometimes texts her assistants as much as 6-7 times a day, she wants to write or

Yes! It’s not like he’s been all into being a figurehead. All the time he spent in the military (and not just staying at home as a figurehead) was not the sign of a Man who wanted to spend his life smiling and cutting ribbons. He then married a woman (conveniently when he got bumped so far down that his grandmother

It’s also entirely plausible that palace staff bucked at taking direction from a Black American. Racism runs deep.

Her race was definitely part of it, but let’s not discount the “commoner” element as well. An American actress? She might as well have been a rat that found its way in. And while I hate petty dictator bosses, the timing of this little investigation is suspect enough that I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt anyway.

Thing is though, they are working for British royalty. That’s not a place anyone would expect to be a pleasant environment. Are they seriously saying that an American actress was worse to work for than a literal pedophile and the people who likely orchestrated Diana’s murder? Something tells me the “abuse” was having

From what I read briefly in The Guardian, someone said it was a completely different atmosphere with Meghan because “emails started coming in at 5am”.

Ultimately, that’s where I am too. I can believe that it’s entirely possible Markle herself is not saintly, and that Harry isn’t either. I’m not super invested in the royal family as an entity, so whatever. But hard-pressed to get me to feel bad for the entrenched royals who are cool with sexual predators and clearly

I have such a strong suspicion that Megan’s “bullying” was really just the difference between the way American’s talk and British people talk, in general.

Likewise, I suspect that British diffidence made it so that they never gave her a clear outline of what she did that was read as bullying to the staff, which meant

It’s a bit of a terrible ploy to hold onto uninvestigated staff complaints for years after as it makes your HR department look incompetent at the same time.

The only time it’s okay to be a nationalist:

Dear Buried,

I’d like to see that “Dignity at Work” policy applied to the poor person who had to repair the gate Andrew rammed with an SUV because it wouldn’t open and he refused to drive around to the other side to the one that was open or the unlucky person who has to iron Prince Phillip’s shoelaces or the Queen’s maid who made

As I recall, he’s said for a long time he wasn’t thrilled and wanted out. I don’t know but could believe he explicitly looked for someone on board with that plan when he was considering getting married, so she may have had something to do with it in that sense. But yeah, the whole “it’s all her” is BS.

Part of me wonders if, at least for the palace PR people, the concern comes from remembering Fergie’s interview that she gave with Oprah back in the 90s and worried about the negative press. She didn’t say anything all that horrible about individual people, if I remember correctly, but she did make palace life sound

But... aren’t you a person on the internet who doesn’t care about these stories? Yet here you are, writing comments in the comment section. I don’t ‘care’ about the royal family, per se, but I will admit to being super curious for reasons that I don’t know if I can articulate. I LOVE watching shows about the history

There are some differences though. Diana was set up in opposition to her husband and his family. Both she and Charles were seen to be dishing the dirt on each other in some kind of revenge story. The royal family (at that time) were not completely entranced with the overwhelming media coverage of Diana (both good and

I always thought it was Harry who drove the “let’s leave” bus.  Megexit (Megxit?  whatever) sold more papers both because it let the papers like the Daily Mail blame everything on Meghan, and the Daily Mail is a racist rag run by the same jerks who invented Fox News and because Brexit was big in the press so there was

Well said. I don’t care if he’s your favorite kid; he’s in his 60s and can defend himself...or, as we saw in that interview, not.

I’m on the team of whoever’s not covering for a sexual in this case, that’s Harry and Meghan.

The eerie similarities with Princess Diana’s 1995 interview with the BBC are interwoven, here. It just feels like an almost fated karmic echo.