I couldn't help but giggle like a moron every time Carlyle said "Dearies". Hands down best parts of the show!
I couldn't help but giggle like a moron every time Carlyle said "Dearies". Hands down best parts of the show!
It's stuff like this that makes me miss band class...
I've got a couple listed above, kept meaning to post, kept forgetting... Depends on the age range you're looking for...
So far it's pretty limited:
I have a compulsion for collecting strange children's books... This is going on the list..
Speaking as someone from Canada, many shows don't have proper listings so you can't just "Set it and forget it" (hah). Futurama for example is aired years after the initial run in the states (there's no ETA for this year's season yet) and when we do finally get it all episodes are coded as Repeats, not new, even if it…
Of note for Lost Girl... Masks was the Fall Finale up here in the old North. So there's a lot of cliffhangery awesomeness ahead!
I agree with your additions, but I like the map anyways! :)
Just want to say THANK YOU for posting this Recap! Us from Canuckistan appreciate it!
Try explaining to an unrelenting child that Disney was not in fact lying to them, but making something more appropriate for their viewing pleasure (I was really stubborn, I fear for my children)... The "reality" of the Little Mermaid scarred me for life! :)
I was actually expecting this level of gruesome from Grimm... But I couldn't get in enough episodes (stopped at three)... I'm told it got better though!
So read a some of these when I was younger when I learned from my prof that there were "original" versions. Specifically, Cinderella and the Little Mermaid (from this list)... I was so offended that Disney would "lie to little children" I vowed never to watch a Disney movie ever again! Seriously, I can't watch the…
I loved it... I'm looking forward to the series... There's a *little* bit of predictability but not enough to make it cheesy....
To be fair, isn't Syfy powering through S1&2 of Lost Girl so that they can air live in the Fall for S3?
Slightly offtopic but at the Calgary Expo James Marsters talked about how he was only supposed to be on the show for a couple of episodes... He had a funny anecdote about Joss coming up to him after reading some of his reviews PISSED RIGHT OFF about how the fans loved him because of his cheekbones and what have you...…
It's not her looks I'm questioning but her costumes/outfits... As mentioned above here, I was expecting a little more femme fatale outfits...
I've been waiting FOREVER for this!!!
All I keep doing in the Tywin/Arya scenes is sit there holding my breath. I'm too stressed out to think that he's warming up to her because he's so damn manipulative and evil... I'm so worried as to when he's going to figure out who she is and know that he's finally got the right hostage...