Really? Haven? Are the exec's over in SyFy HQ actually watching Haven? Because it because my nap time tv show over the summer....
Really? Haven? Are the exec's over in SyFy HQ actually watching Haven? Because it because my nap time tv show over the summer....
Are you kidding me?!?! Being Erica's getting a remake?!?! ARGH! This show got JPOD Cancelled!! I hate this show on that premise alone. :(
@Starlionblue: Leonard is way cuter...
@micah1_8: That's... like... the CUTEST TRON PROMO EVER!!! ;)
@Bongoes: That was BRILLIANT! Loved it!
@Wolfstone is informative: Maybe it's the Fi.... I am more into the Fi than the Sci... but all the same...
@The Hoon Dynasty (RexMaximus): I'll totally judge the show like crazy... but when it's good, it's freaking AWESOME.
@Chgu: I love BBT... I just wish they would expand from the typical "Trek" jokes and move onto some more sci fi... they've dabbled in a little Babylon, (and don't forget the Cylon toaster!!) but if these guys were real, they'd be watching/commenting on a hellofa lot more than just old Trek episodes.
@cityfolk232: You;re my new hero!
What's funny is I've been lecturing people on the awesomeness of Goodnight Moon and you've just allowed me to add to the fuel...
@Darth Meow 504: Great List!! In terms of Comucs, don't ever get a comic fan a comic book... Odds are, they either don't have it, or don't want it... Gift Card to their comic store of choice? BONUS!
Gifts for the New Geek: (For those you're trying to convert!)
Holy High International Shipping Batman!
@Turbo_Sexophonic: Watch season two, and inject yourself with Cortexiphan...
@Sheryl Nantus: Totally using the word Vagenda from now on...
@occultist: ME TOO!!! I HATED JOSHUA JACKSON until Fringe!!
@m_faustus: WORD POINTS!
@NoelVeiga: I thought the Cotexiphan boosted her abilities too.... I didn't even notice she was still in her hospital gown !!