
Because these people only believe that rape is what happens if you're attacked by a masked man in the bushes at gun or knife point. Anything else is just melodramatic women crying for attention. So they don't feel any compassion because they don't believe there is anything to feel bad about. Nothing happened. They are

AND men! the patriarchy is what is forcing all of these unhappy men to try and fulfill roles and spaces that aren't a good fit for them. what tells men they have to be the breadwinner? the patriarchy. what tells men they are worthless if they don't have a beautiful woman? the patriarchy. what fails to teach men how to

i need them to name one fucking political spoil i have gotten. name fucking one.

So it did take quite a long period of time with so much evidence out there, even these young men's confession and being braggadocious (sic) about it in social media. We thought it should have been arrest a long time ago and why it took so long we still are raising that question and not got an answer yet

First thing you should do is get rid of Quanell X.

Right. I don't want a prize, but also, don't basically tell me to shut up. That doesn't do anyone any good.

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.

Is a member of another oppressed minority (First Nations), I disagree quite strongly with this.

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

What amazes me is how particular egregious the Ohio cases are. You could argue (wrongly) in favor of Wilson killing Brown, or even the guy who showed excessive force on Garner (also wrongly) with the idea that he was being brutal but the death was accidental. But both Ohio cases are essentially straight up execution.

Well they don't have to antagonize her exactly (although that would be awesome), but can't they put out a statement like "Other than receiving a BA 37 years ago, the so-called 'Princeton Mom' has no formal affiliation with the university or its views"? I feel like they should say something, at least for the sake of

If I wanted to argue with oblivious people I'd take it to facebook (which I did last week and had my quarterly "OMG I need to quit facebook forever" epiphany). I enjoy twitter so much more, and it's because I've chosen to only follow people who say things I like, as opposed to my friends and family over on fb who say

I dunno.

SERIOUSLY, fuck religion. Fuck everything faith-based. They're why we can't have nice things in the world.

Me too. Me too.

Jesus Christ, I've never seen people look so hard for something to be offended by.

I couldn't be more disappointed in this. So much negativity here for a girl who, as acknowledged, makes her living by being cute and fun. Let it be. We need something fluffy that isn't topical right now. I like the song. Not everything has to be heavy; some things just are.

As someone who doesn't like Taylor Swift, this didn't seem "cringe worthy" at all. Calm down, Jez.

wow. Can't win can she. If she uses "people of color" she is guilty of "cultural appropriation" (that's what Pol Pot did and was the main reason he was evil). If she doesn't use "people of color" at some point in the video she is being racist.

Taylor Swift's music video and live stream were all planned out way before the Ferguson incident happened, so no, I don't think she maliciously released this.