
Please, no editing after the fact. You said taking your kid to BK is proof of bad parenting. Also, why do you get to decide if poor people get dessert? Are you the Poverty Czar now? Dictating the foodstuffs available to poor people? "No spices, you low down dirty lazy slobs, plain white rice for you until you can

Privileged check, please. There's enough research into food deserts and poverty to show that for many people, the crap on the dollar menu at BK or McD's or whatever, is the only option, especially between shifts at crap jobs or when you live in an area where your options are drive many miles (or take public transit)

No, this is false. I have two kids, and I take full-time care of both of them. The kid will not forget about the pie. That is not how kids work. And punitively making the mother's day worse is not going to do a thing for the kid. Stop making stupid concern-troll excuses for sociopathic behavior.

I feel the same way about her. I started following her on Instagram for some reason, and most of her pics are of her and her dogs in bed, and sometimes weird crafts - which is pretty similar to my own IG, minus the celebrities. Her public persona is kind of all over the place right now but I feel like when it comes

Chris Pratt is the new Ryan Gosling.

No, not everything. I absolutely believe that all religions are horrible and repressive towards women but Islam is particularly oppressive and patronising toward women. Do you know any other religions that cut off parts of women's genitals so that they don't feel pleasure during sex and therefore won't stray from

Hey now. There's plenty of misogyny and repression in ALL Abrahamic religions, thank you very much!

I kind of hate the attention she is getting, because people seem to look past the fact that she is severely mentally ill. According to her daughters, she has PTSD from her service. She deserves quality mental health care, something the VA isn't going to provide any time soon, not to be gawked at.

Thank you, that was driving me nuts.

I heard somewhere that the nerve endings inside your vagina become more sensitive during menstruation as well. So I always figured that because of the nerves and the extra lube, the body just translates it as- perfect time for fucking.

My friend is a sex researcher, and she says it's because of testosterone. this is also likely why perimenopausal and menopausal women tend to have a consistently higher libido.

Everyone has T. Men have more than women, of course, but even women have T. But balancing out or blocking our T is our E (estrogen) and our P

You don't have to hate a single Jew, a single person, to accuse a country of a really terrible act. I'm positive a good amount of the people objecting would still be upset if Israel was filled with teletubbies.


Are any of his movies good? They all seem to feature a main character that is too much like Woody Allen to be entertaining to me. I don't find his personality or antics to be the least bit attractive.

I honestly never got why people say assholes like these are "afraid" of women. They despise women and, generally, think they're an inferior kind of people that need to be circumscribed tightly. I don't think anyone is "afraid." I wish they were.

No matter how much power men get, they never lose their ability to be afraid of girls.

We have some lovely options for you in our Fall Kepler catalog...I myself have been looking for something with a nice view - two suns, maybe a nebula - but close enough to work that I don't have to take the 405 wormhole. That thing is a b—- during rush light-hour.

A man hitting his wife is unreasonable.

I just noticed she also cooks for him, cleans the house, and does his laundry. Maybe she's just tired from playing mommy. Damn, dude, household chores are an equal responsibility.

Is it just me, or is Weird Al the thing that is making this week almost somewhat bearable?