
I'm usually pretty tough about tragedies. But this has just knocked the wind out of me. I feel gloomy. I was watching the news last night and it kept switching from two breaking stories. Innocent people and kids getting blown up on the ground in Gaza and innocent people and kids getting blown out of the sky in the

Hey remember when Bill Maher did a whole movie about religious intolerance

It's hard to be a fan of a man who is this much of a douche.

dealing with Hamas is like dealing with a woman you've repeatedly beaten to near death dozens of times. Eventually the neighbors won't give a fuck when she kills you.

I'm not usually emotional when a famous person passes away, but this really got me and I shed a few tears. What a no bullshit woman she was, and completely ahead of her time! If you haven't seen her rendition of "I'm still here" from Sondhiem's Birthday special on PBS....I strongly recomend you view it. Here's to

"Rest in peace, Colleen Donaghy. You were 87 years young, 14 in demon years, and you went out of this world like you came into it: wearing a hat."

Thank you, and yes. It made me feel totally out of control. Then I'd show my dog a sock and tell him to "find mom's other sock" and he'd come padding over with a sock in his mouth. He made it possible to leave my house in more ways than one. :-)

It really doesn't take such blatant things to mess up a kid's self image. Being around a mom who makes a point of calling attention to smallness (she's been pretty open about suffering from eating disorders), especially in the context of comparing her size to the child, can really skew how kids see themselves. I've

Bethenny 100% has admitted body/eating issues,"The 5'5" Bethenny reveals she struggled with weight problems her entire life and battled eating disorders as well as exercise addiction. "I used to be 20 pounds heavier," Frankel, 39, tells Parade. "I would have been 50 pounds heavier, but I was white-knuckling it my

People with weight issues thinking skinny/fit people are shaming them by existing and occasionally photographing said existence is just another one of those fun things given to us by the internet. Thanks, internet!

That's what the British press has called the Beckhams' home for many years.

Yes we all need a treat yo self day

Oh, but if we could do that, what would we do with all our leftover self righteousness?

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.


Yes - you're so right about sharing our stories. Mine:

I'm 28, in a wonderful, loving, LTR. We are stable in our careers and make more than enough money to support a child - but I had an abortion last week and absolutely no doubts about the decision. We just don't want a kid right now and feel no regret and no

I think it's so true that women need to share their histories. So many women have abortions, and yet most people think they don't know anyone who has had one.

Very well put.

I majored in Public Relations in college. We had to be able to stand up in front of the class and defend ANYthing. To practice for that, we held mock press conferences where we presented and defended a controversial idea that was the opposite of our personally held beliefs. You had to do all your research and then

I have met a couple people in my life who regretted having to need the abortion, but never the abortion. The "saddest" reaction might have been one of reflective resignation, but still making the decision.