
funny, I see a man remaining extremely calm and refusing to engage in physical violence in spite of a four minute assault.

Are you joking right now? "I don't make knee jerk reactions about someone I don't know based on blurry surveillance video"
please refer to your initial comment "it seems clear we are witnessing her reaction to his behavior (and it's obviously an overflow, a build-up over time, hence her getting physical). Look at how

uh, she lunged at him with her whole body. and she was trying to kick him too. and not gently. that's physical violence. if you don't think that's physically violent, well i'm just glad i don't have you or people who think like you in my life. i've never seen my parents do anything like that to us, themselves or

Your mom called. She wants you to put the pretty dress back on and dance for Uncle Mike.

It's a zero sum game! As soon as one minority group gets some power, they have to rob it from another, because lord knows those guys aren't giving up any.

I'm really happy the courts are following precedents on this. They certainly aren't on abortion, which is tragic. But at least progressives are getting a victory in one area :/

This is totally better than I was expecting. Very much along the lines of the (now classic) Weight Watchers cards commentary by candyboots. If haven't seen it, you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. It is just as much worth it.

Oh, C.A. Pinkham, you bring such joy.

A lot of the grossness features olives. Thus proving my point that olives do not belong in food.

I'm Canadian. If I saw this, I'd be pressing that panic button so hard that my finger would fall off. Then I'd probably start emptying the cash register out before they even said a word.

I would be afraid to walk around with a gun in public. What if someone thinks you are nuts and they have a gun and they shoto you? What if the cops shoot you? What if someone wants to steal if from you? What if someone takes as an invitation to start with you?

That is just straight-up terrifying. If I saw a group of men with assault rifles in a public place, I wouldn't even assume it was an armed robbery, I'd assume it was a planned mass shooting.

Yes, see, 'cause if the gubment gets uppity, something something assault rifle beats predator drone.

It's all about old testament style control over your female citizens. To these folks, women are little more then chattel, existing to do chore and make babies for their husbands. The idea that women, you know, could want to be independent or actually like having sex is alien to them.

I think I would fear for my heart with Hiddles, Benedict, AND Mark Gatiss in a scene together. (I admit... I hugely crush on Mr. Gatiss, can't help myself)


No. "Separate But Equal" is not the solution here. Women shouldn't be discouraged from pursuing their educational goals at the school most suited to their interests simply because they'll be sharing a campus with male students. This isn't about what female students can do to avoid rape, or how parents can protect