
I can't help but imagine Kris Jenner going all Mission: Impossible and dressing up in disguises to go to various grocery stores to buy out their stock of Vogue. I fully expect her to make Kim and Kanye autograph them and then sell them on eBay.

That's been my theory from the get-go, too, if only because there really is nothing that'd be out of the realm of possibilities with that dreadful woman and calculating stagemother. Kris Jenner could bring out the cynic in Bambi or even Honey Boo-Boo.

They had a show where Kim was buying a whole bunch of them. It's very feasible that the family could purchase enough to have an impact.

Oh man. I think you're legitimately on to something here.

No, they shouldn't. They'd get fined. You want them to lose money because their boss is racist and therefore they should be the ones to take a financial hit to fix this problem. You, sir, are logic master! Also, please don't give me the "they make a lot of money, it won't hurt them bullshit." They should in no way


Was just coming here to say how I despise the term "rapey" and would like to see other words/phrases used that more accurately describe the landscape she's discussing.

I really, really hate EGR's repeated use of the term "rapey." It's so jaded, so above it all. I wish she and Jez in general would save the insincerity for other topics.

I think the last part is where you "Undress" your own argument.

I was an actor for years. They told me what to wear and how to style my hair, but never in a million years would anyone tell me how to wash my own snatch or counsel adult women about how to handle their periods. We get periods when we are still children and figure that out pretty quickly, actually. This so-called

Part of me feels like Martin Freeman is just trolling all of us, as he is wont to do.

I think most men are going to be happy with your take on it. My wife is a similar artist! *grin*

The world of men salutes you.

And also, this should be added as a side note... there isn't a woman on the planet who can make a handjob feel as good as I can for myself. I know what my penis likes; I play with it the most and I've had it for 27 years. You can give a great handjob in general and still not give one as well as I do for myself.

I find nothing at all appealing about getting a handjob. There exists no technique in the world that would change my mind on this. To me a handjob is tantamount to saying "Um, I don't want to suck or fuck it but, meh, here —let me move it around for you a bit." At that point any sense of intimacy is tossed out the

A sophisticated hand job goes like this: touch penis, put in mouth.

This will be Ryan's first big role in years. The girlfriend of John Mellencamp

Am I the only one kind of worried about Lupita's future? I mean, she is so obviously attractive which actually does NOT work in favor of dark-skinned black actresses. If you are a light-skinned or clearly mixed black actress who is sexy and gorgeous you can make a passable living at being cast as a white actor's side