The problem with that idea is that in our society those other 11 months would still be White History Month because every other culture would still be told through the typical "white men created all the history worth learning" lens. Sigh.
The problem with that idea is that in our society those other 11 months would still be White History Month because every other culture would still be told through the typical "white men created all the history worth learning" lens. Sigh.
Depends on which one you were replying to. The original bullshit one stays, but his longer screed about false rape accusations and links to articles I had to dismiss. I think it stayed gone. :)
Sorry, I had to dismiss that guy's comment. It's all so ludicrous at the core, and shows an extreme lack of understanding of rape, criminal justice and reality. A rage headache was starting so I hit that little black x. :)
Eh, no worries. It's the Internet, not a New Yorker article. :)
Feminism is also interested in all those issues as well.
I love you and want to give you a million stars. :)
I must have punctuated it in my head. I do that with ungrammatical writing- the curse of being an English teacher's kid. :)
You're tiresome. Try taking off your ill-fitting and inappropriate victim goggles and doing some actual reading about the reality of rape prosecution, then come back and join the adults in conversation.
Perhaps you simply need to separate the ideology from the politics. If your first sentence is true, that's feminism in a nutshell.
Co-signed, Lindy. If MRAs actually cared about issues facing men due to traditional gender roles, they'd be feminists! These dudes are just woman haters- bitter, nasty rageaholics - that deserve to be put in a time-out like the tantruming children they are.
PETA is the shrike of the non-profit world.
Saw Blackfish. Fuck Sea World. The sooner it is sued into oblivion and goes away the better. I am actively rooting for all the captive whales and dolphins and seals there to bite and maim everyone they come in contact with.
Does that mean we can finally get rid of those sanctimonious NYC subway ads? Please?
Other people have ably responded to the "BFD" stuff, so I will just tackle the part about sex being a "piss poor reason to abort." Okay, first of all... this DOES NOT HAPPEN in this country. It just doesn't. I mean, maybe there is like that one crazy woman in CA and that oppressed woman in IL, but we're talking…
Not sure if agreeing or sarcastic... but realized I should probably attempt to cite my assertion:
This is because First and Business Class is the only place airlines make any money as opposed to lose money hand over fist.
I have to confess: I didn't watch the clip because I used up my rage quotient for the week by Monday. So you could be right.....