
Barely 50 years ago...

Just adding: I think the way the NYT piece focuses on feminism as a newly discovered and barely surmountable obstacle to a wedding ceremony annoying, not the couple. You can continue to tell me to die in a fire in the comments.

I think the primary reason is more to put another obstacle in their path, hoping maybe a few will actually be willing to be educated.
Basically make it more difficult, Make them have to take time off work, make it so they will say fuck it and not bother.

It just always confuses me that people would rather their children get potentially deadly diseases than be autistic. It’s like autism is the biggest boogieman in the world, but death is ok. Everyone in this class should be forced to see pictures and videos of children suffering from the diseases, they should have

I guess you didn’t hear about the parents in Albert whose kid died because they didn’t believe/trust modern medicine. He had bacterial meningitis and could have been treated and most likely cured.

It’s going to be a “thing” in just about any nation that hasn’t seen a preventable disease outbreak wreak havoc on its population in a couple generations. They’re far enough removed from the time where family members in iron lungs were a common experience. They think that the current state of general population health

I like the idea but if you’re the kind of person that insists one plus one equals thirty-seven despite all facts, can a class fix that? Especially if you don’t want to take said class.

Are the Canadian anti-vaxxers as nuts about this as American anti-vaxxers? I didn’t even know anti-vaxxing in Canada was a thing, pardon my ignorance. I always just assume our neighbors to the north talk funny, but have better sense with matters such as these. Are they also like “DERP DERP but religious freedom and


are the pictures of the girls being all spazzy and wobbly for anyone else? or did i really have a rage stroke from the earlier news today and my vision is damaged?

We knew we were ordering from our local Chinese delivery place too much when they showed up to our new apartment and they a) remarked that we had moved and b) said that our cat had gotten fatter.

Agreed! Hopefully the staff at Pornhub will do the same for me if I have a stroke from too much you-know-what and go silent.

I love this story! I was saved by my consierge checking on me and calling 911 a few years back. I used to walk by her to use the gym every morning at the same time. On the 3rd day that I didn’t show she came looking for me. I had a bad reaction to new medication and was completely out of it. I had a very serious

Well done, staff of Dominos. Just goes to show ya, there are actually a lot of decent people in the world, even if it might seem otherwise sometimes.


This is a very effective rhetorical strategy

“Are these the type of ‘leaders’ you want moving down to the line and leading your sons and daughters, graduates with an agenda?”

No, I really enjoyed it for those reasons. A lot of fleshing out of lesser characters. The explanations of Leanne’s willingness to become a disciple of anyone was heartbreaking to me, as well as a deeper look at Poussey really made the series for me.