Mrs. Lovette

It's so, so awesome! It just kind of goes off the rails all the time and it's fantastic!

I'm right there with you. A school teacher friend of mine basically said that it sounds like she doesn't know how to assert her authority and is wrong for the job. Kids can sniff a weak authority figure from a mile away and when they do they will test boundaries. Kids - esp. middle schoolers - can be cruel pieces of

Oops... I just cringed reading my own post. I meant to say, it has more thin people than heavier people. Because, while I've always been more on the heavier side (thanks to my linebacker frame)m there have been times in my life where I've been extremely fit.

I think this is a great idea. I go to one of the big gym chains here in NY and there are definitely more fit people than not, but, depending on my mood, I'm usually not too self-conscious. But it would be nice to go to a place where you could related more to the people around you. What really caught my eye was the

I couldn't conjure the Talespin theme in my head and so instead my brain went for Ducktales. It's that awesome.

"But then she hollers at those girls to ask where she is, and then she gets off the train. Without her Metrocard! How's she gonna get back on?"

"Is Girls Really a Show for Boys?" I don't know. All I know is that my husband likes the show a whole lot more than I do. Between Williams' horrendous acting and Hannah's "look how cute my narcissism is!" I just can't stop rolling my eyes when my husband makes me watch this show. Actually, that's not right. He

You guys need to get married and for your wedding present your friends need to get you a Tivo with a lifetime service included and an external hard drive for mega tons of tv storage space. That's what my Mr and I did and it solved everything! ;-)

I *heart* NPH so, so much. I would never guess that my crush from age 12 would have followed me into adulthood. Actually, my crush went dormant during my later teenage years and then bloomed again when he started doing theatre at the regional theatres near me while I was in college. He had (has) this mesmerizing

And, if rumors are to be believed, gay.

I'm a linen nut too! I have way too many set sets and duvet covers. It's almost embarrassing. And linen spray is the best! I'm partial to peppermint or eucalyptus. Sadly I can't do lavender because I'm allergic to it.

Now playing

Oh, if you insist. From Sondheim's Saturday Night. One of his early and lesser known musicals.

It's all good. Although, if we hung out in RL, I do admit that I would try change your mind about Sondheim (and hopefully I wouldn't be too obnoxious about it). And I'll admit that I've walked out on shows that many consider genius. Confession time: I walked out on Anything Goes at intermission. I just can't

Blasphemy, indeed! However, if you saw the 'Little Night' production with Catherine Zeta Jones as Desiree instead of her replacement, Bernadette Peters, I can sorta/kinda understand the urge to leave. I saw the production with both women and I was underwhelmed by Jones and, as much and I love the musical and know it

I'm pretty much with you there, LaComtesse. Les Mis and Phantom were my tweenage gateway musical theatre drug of choice, but a theatre degree and many years later I've finely honed my (snobby ::wink::) tastes. But that said, Les Mis unlike that Phantom crap, holds a special little place in my heart. I don't love

OMG, Adobe_Diva, thankyouthankyouthankyou for bringing this magic into my life!!! And wow, Jason Segal has better pipes than I thought he had.

"Not gonna lie, I sang the shit out of that song when I was a wee teen and deeply committed to musical theater/gratuitous sadness."

Agreed. I've already posted some videos of Hathaway doing some kick-ass Sondheim. You don't publicly perform Sondheim if you don't have the chops. The only thing I noticed, which I don't find bad per se, is that she's singing a little lower than her natural range. In any case, as someone commented above, that may

I'm hoping Sal will be employed by Peggy's new firm.

I'm spending my Saturday night basking in the modern marvel that is artificially produced conditioned and cooled air. And watching season two of My Life on the D List. Good stuff!