Mrs. Lovette

I agree. I was somewhat impressed by Black Widow but I really wanted a second female Avenger. It's too bad that they couldn't somehow have introduced Ms. Marvel, or my favorite, Jessica Jones by now. Mr. Lovette bets that The Wasp will be in the next movie.

My problem is that thoughts of special needs, illness and wayward paths is all I think about when I think seriously about having a child. It's paralyzing. I have to remind myself that a child could bring love a child and a bunch of other good stuff to my life.

Oh I understand your point. I think I may be doing the exact same thing. We're taking precautions but hardly close to fool-proof precautions.

I don't want them to get together until way, way down the road. Not that this show would ever (I hope) go there, but I couldn't stand a Ross/Rachel on and off again grossness.

I ADORE New Girl! I seriously get giddy just anticipating the next episode. I know it took some time finding its footing, but I've loved every bit of it - every quirky bit of adorkableness. This article bummed me out because it reminded me that tonight's the finale. Sad.

Thank you for that. I've been wondering why the double O was pronounced as a long O. Once again, my choice to take French in high school has failed me again.

So, I'm perplexed. None of the money from the Ball's ridiculously high ticket prices go to charity? I'm glad The Costume Institute earns its annual operating budget in one evening, but I think it'd be a nice gesture to extend some money to whatever charities the organizers support.

Breakfast is probably my favorite meal too, but some hotels offer kick-ass breakfast buffets that can definitely compete with a good brunch place. The Hyatt Regency in Maui had my favorite (free) breakfast buffet I've ever had. Tons of nifty stations of all sorts of food. I now make it into a game of trying to

"If a woman is overweight, she can damned sure lose the weight, if that's what's keeping men away."

Uggh! These stories just make me love JetBlue all the more. JetBlue has had its PR problems, but at least their seats are bigger than the average American airline and ya gotta love that extra leg room.

Not on Southwest.

So, I guess these aren't good for walls. Does anyone have a good product or technique for removing scuff marks from painted walls?

Fair enough. Just want to dispel any misinformation about the flu shot considering the shot has and can prevent many preventable deaths and serious health complications. I'm a big fan.

Getting the flu shot coincidentally after getting the flu shot shouldn't keep you from getting the shot. You may already know this, but the flu vaccine cannot cause the flu as the vaccine is comprised of the dead virus that your body then develops antibodies to as if it were a live virus. Developing the flu is purely

My husband wants me to watch Deadwood with him (so that he can rewatch) and he's his selling point to me is that there are a bunch of awesome women on the show.

Yay! I love that my favorite podcast/expanding media group is getting some Jez love. Chris Hardwick and crew put out some really quality stuff.

I'm really, really trying to keep these awful stories about the Catholic Church in perspective because I'm already fundamentally at odds with the Church, but stories like this chip away at my 'let bygones be bygones' philosophy. These stories just enrage me and cause me to outwardly hate the Church. And that's a

I just ran out to the Duane Reade near my office and they didn't have it. The store manager remembered it and said that they don't carry it any more. He thought the whole of Duane Reade doesn't carry it anymore. I hope he's wrong. I have a body wash and lotion addiction and I need my pretty smelling fix!

I forwent prom and spent that would be prom money on a trip to NYC. Best decision of my life as it helped pave the way for me moving here half dozen years later.

Don & Co. wouldn't fire Peggy, right? That last image of Don looking through the glass conference room walls watching Peggy walk in one direction and the rest of the copywriter team in the other looked like a bad omen. Or maybe it's a just a red herring. I hope.