Mr. Magikarp

I’m so tired of cynical video game fanboys and girls. It’s such a cliche now. If you think you’ve got it all figured out you should go to school and become a videogame creator or producer or whatever and make the changes you think should be made and stop bitching about how other people are screwing it all up. You have

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Just thought I’d leave this here. Not the best cover, but it was the second-best preview when I saw Doctor Strange (the best was Rogue One)

I seriously don’t know how to fight something like this.

Of course they can have it both ways. Words have no meanings. They’re for the things they’re against. Up is down. Black is white. Whoops, not that last one. Black is Obama, and he is the antichrist who forces them to say “Hapoy holidays.”

“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”

Nathan got laid. One thing led to another, and Donald Trump became the President of the United States of America.

I can’t decide which is worse. The President-Elect’s family thinking that their son MAYBE having autism is worthy of a defamation lawsuit, or the President-Elect’s family using intimidation tactics against an autistic teenager who was trying to convince people to leave their son’s behavior alone.

This smells like an attempt to reposition Trump as a victim rather than a perpetrator and champion of bullying, using his kid.

It’s unfair to say that Trump won because of racism. Every single Republican who has run for president except Goldwater has received a plurality of the white vote, and this totally a coincidence and has nothing to do with the GOP since Nixon’s Southern Strategy.

Ugh, or don’t, because literally anything out of the ordinary will feed these peoples’ monstrous persecution complexes.

So Pence got booed during Hamilton...

Fewer pedantic comments

I think Zarya having a skinny boyfriend would be the best.

Double plot twist: it’s Bastion

Plot twist: it’s Reaper.

A couple things.

Seems more like salt than shade to me.