Mr. Magikarp

Hey! Heya. Nurse and teacher here. You're full of shit. If I dropped my job to go do sketch comedy and Let's Plays on YouTube, society would go on pretty damn well without me.

Everything has its place. What you're defending basically amounts to: "There should never be anything in the world that doesn't directly

Console gamers: "Real gamers use consoles for games not graphics."

I'd think that America needs to get over its Soviet phobia, and that it's something that should have died with the Hollywood communist blacklisting craze of the '50s. It's only a "toxic label" if people (much like yourself) continue to propagate it as such with no rhyme or reason to speak of. Seriously, if you can

I'm sure this isn't what Dreamworks meant with "How to Train your Dragon"

You remind me of the babe...station.

Gotta say that my only real problem with RWBY is that the episodes are too short, appropriately so for being a mini-series anyway. But it feels like you don't really have enough time to appreciate the world or the characters, simply cos its gonna be over in the next 6 mins. Which is why episode 8(i think?) and the

i like the new update to the comments, but once again the overreacting is killing a good thing.

I really hate this bumping of old articles when a new article with reference to the old one would be more beneficial. I have no interest in taking part in year old discussions, which is exactly what will be done here.

I want to punch a pillow every time someone says Isaiah Mustafa should play Luke Cage. TERRY CREWS OR WE RIOT.

"End game"

Xbox One Ton confirmed

Mustard race, because consoles need to ketchup.

But your response didn't include any insightful commentary whatsoever, and in truth was only tangentially related to the article. It was like someone said "Hey, look at my new shoelaces." and you went "HA! I don't even wear shoes! Shoes fucking suck!" It adds no value to the conversation and just makes you sound like

I always find translational quirks like that really endearing for some reason.

Nobody plays Pokemon for a challenge in the single-player mode. The games have never been difficult. Exp. Share has just made it easier because all of your Pokemon will be overlevelled if you only have a single team, but it makes it much easier to level up new Pokemon or have a rotating team.

Hacking has been generally looked at as a necessary evil, because breeding near-perfect Pokémon was far too random and time-consuming.

The video started off as satire, then quickly devolved into thought policing and shaming, with the heavy handed suggestion that nerd culture is not progressive enough and is highly misogynistic.