Weren’t the XY legendaries based on Norse mythology?
Weren’t the XY legendaries based on Norse mythology?
Hulu, I think. Worked for me.
Yeah, something’s off about them. I think they may be too large.
Despite having beaten the whole thing, I still teared up at the beginning of the Episode 5 intro. Loader Bot is the best bro, bro.
Costumes look cool. The make up does not.
good point. I expect too much.
Really? You’re blaming him for writing what a different player said?
You gotta keep in mind that Penny Arcade has been around a really, really long time. They practically invented the “two guys on a couch talking about video games” genre. I think it’s safe to say that Penny Arcade pioneered webcomics as a medium and a distribution.
Well, it’s their con. They started it.
But does it sing? If it doesn’t hum, it ain’t Nirnroot.
And Sawk and Throh don’t wear gi (gis?).
That GMG voucher is supposedly site-wide and also applies to Fallout 4. However, so far I haven’t gotten it to apply to anything that I’ve tried (Fallout 4, the season pass, H1z1 and Tales of Zestira as tests). I’m kind of miffed. Wanting to know if anyone else is running into the same problems.
That GMG voucher is supposedly site-wide and also applies to Fallout 4. However, so far I haven’t gotten it to apply…
I thought it was “easy ‘nough, sixty bucks.” Boy, I feel dumb, now.
The artist is Kris Straub and he’s got two web comics: Chainsawsuit and the really excellent horror comic Broodhollow. You wouldn’t expect his style to work for horror, but he nails it.
“The offer here is I can pay 40 dollars for a nearly full experience” is false. You’re paying $40 for a full experience minus 5 skins.
Nope. The $40 version gives you all the content in the game except for 5 skins.
That extra $20 gives you 5 skins for characters you get for $40 and five different bonus items for completely different games. You’re crying about skins.
Weird. Last I’d heard, Battleborn was going to be strictly co-op. Whatever, Gearbox.
On one hand, I have ~$40 back in my account from my Arkham Knight refund. On the other hand, given how piss-poorly that port turned out, and how badly optimized the Watch_Dogs port was, I’m really hesitant to preorder ACS.
On one hand, I have ~$40 back in my account from my Arkham Knight refund. On the other hand, given how piss-poorly…