Mr. Magikarp

I mean, good on Ninty for trying to bring kids into the franchise, but a proper Metroid title wouldn’t have gone unmissed. What this heart truly desires, though, is a new F-Zero.

It can’t be just me, and I am really hesitant to say this given my love for colorful games with cartoony art styles, but I’m getting a huge “for kids!” vibe off of this. Between the logo, the blocky UI and stubby character and enemy designs, it actually reminds me a lot of Go-bots. Yeah.

We could see an objective like letting down a drawbridge or using siege weaponry to tear down walls. That’d be pretty boss. It’d be a waste, IMO, if there were no objective beyond killing enemy combatants.

Eh, tomato, tomato. Let’s call the whole thing off.

I thought Battlefront was supposed to have big teams?

Yeah but I’m the kind of guy who’d call Titanfall a MOBA if it had a big glowy thing in an enemy base to destroy.

Yeah, when I call it a MOBA-type deal I’m not trying to be disparaging. I just use it as a game mode descriptor. Small teams, bases, creeps, objective based victory are what I call a MOBA. The game does look pretty cool.

Doesn’t need to be isometric to be a MOBA.

Could be a MOBA-type deal. We got creeps. We got small teams. We got bases in some form or another.

Since this game takes place a couple million lightyears away from the Milky Way, it’s totally possible that the long long time after ME3 was spent entirely in transit with some kind of suspended animation using Prothean-based technology like with Javik.

The Mako is all that matters. I love that physics-breaking rustbucket.

Why do we even need logos and announcements? I don’t want to hear about games until they’re on shelves!

I don’t get hyped, but I am looking forward to this.


I said it at launch and I’m saying it again now: all that I care about is that they lasted longer than ESO. Good job, Carbine! You did it.

That is exactly the case.

Now give us a fucking PC port.

Check out the tip on the loading screen at 1:53.

and I remember shadow people similar to the ones in that area from the Metro series.

It’s more the armor designs and the wallrunning than the singular robot, I think.