Mr. Magikarp

I feel like everything I might have to say about this from this point on would just come out as high-pitched squeaking.

Based on spider tanks.

ooh I hope so. Those were fun.

"good as dead"
Mario Kart 8 has some words for you.


What the hell? How did I become hyped for Miis? How did this happen?!

Sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you. My first comment was directed at the folks who say that WS is WoW with housing, and my second one was meant to show that one or two features can really make all the difference, even if lots of people are quick to discard them.

People calling things derivative of other things tends to rub me the wrong way a little, especially when they haven't partaken in whatever they're calling derivative. Same thing happens with Hunger Games vs Battle Royale, Darksiders vs Legend of Zelda, everything vs WoW, and so on. You could call it a pet peeve.

so what you're basically saying is "This game is just like WoW, except for the parts that are different."

I don't see how people can say that, considering that the combat, which is the primary way to interact with the world in both games, is night and day.

Awesome! Reminds me of Reefer Madness. Maybe one day we'll get a musical of this, too.

The review's late because they can't play it ;)


A slough's a swamp or a situation in which little progress is being made. People who refuse to be criticized aren't making progress.

Nah, if the skin color were swapped, it would still cause a controversy, because it would be placing the less white person in the position of power and cast him as the villain.

on slough? I guess that a place where people are completely unreflexive could be a slough.

Welcome to the HIMALAYAS!

I don't think Wildstar has to be as world-consuming as many MMOs. Sure, it can be, but it doesn't have to be. The end-game has a currency which pretty much replaces EXP at cap and is subject to all of EXP's rules and whatever, so someone who spends a lot of time accumulating rested bonuses while logged out at their

Yeah, Spellslingers are the magic scifi cowboys. I reckon you're in the same situation as a lot of other people and just can't help but compare WoW and Wildstar. Who knows, I might be in the same boat if I hadn't stopped playing WoW during Cata.

What class did you play, out of curiosity?