
what a crock of shite.. this smash bros wannabe makes me want to slap sony in the face with my **** why can't people even pretend to innovate anymore.. the developers and sony should be hiding their faces in shame! disgusted..

Woohoo! take that baddeus! btw's.. that dude's totally french.. (joke.. although possible.. very possible)!

So a white male born in China is not Chinese? if a black person is born in America he isn't an American? Also what on earth constitutes to the dude in the picture to be an American? The colour of his skin?

you have such a talent to know he is american.

lol! they are also claiming dominion over rectangles! now the colour white? seriously? :p

so.. apple have the patent.. for.. the colour.. white..?

no tingle thrusting from rupee land disappoints me.. :(

i love pn03..

Racist *******'s

sega whoring out the sonic franchise as they have been with the worst titles in the franchises history has only DEVALUED the mascot and the brand. they're lucky nintendo allowed these games to be made in the 1st place..

i don't think it looks amazing at all.. actually i think it looks kinda shitty.. even the graphics look dated and unappealing.. everything else looks regurgitated COD which has been getting more and more stale by each release..

definitely a bad thing if they're threatening to destroy this great franchise.

I know right? What's next? Doom 4 with no shotgun?

Can't believe Sony is shitting on arguably its best franchise.. Multiplayer? Seriously? GET JAFFE BACK!

I'm getting very tired by all these people (who seem) hell bent on seeing Nintendo go down the software only route..

couldn't have said it any better myself..

I broke my Wavebird whilst trying to beat Ikaruga on the hardest setting at 4am.. then I stormed out.. smoked a cigarette.. and beat the damn game.

Totally get what you mean.. I'm getting very tired by all these people (who seem) hell bent on seeing Nintendo go down the software only route..

in space no one can hear you speak.

lol.. what if you do!