
didn't play the original.. needs to be looked into..

gosh.. this game looks beautiful! why haven't i been paying attention to this?? ANSWER ME!!

nothing thus far in.. grrrrr.. its almost 4pm..

lol.. comment of the day by far my friend.. comment of the day BY FAR!

oh i'm sure many of us kotaku'ites gawk, interact and generally get views from all sorts of different angles of the real va-jingo!


is that the v-jay-jay i can see in 15????

you could always do the kojima grab to check genitalia (think of raiden.. per se..)


i dunno yo.. the only exclusive that completely blew me away was god of war 3.. even mgs4 disappointed me greatly.. KZ2 i found kinda dull.. 3 was oooook i guess but by the time psn was up n running i couldnt be bothered to try out the online mp..

i lol'd..

sony will lose if they release next year.. i think even 2013 is too soon.. ps3 has done nothing on the ps2's level thus far..

i hate facebook.. and i hate zynga..

have you seen HG's wife?

hahaha! i'd buy that for a dollar!

wtf! hahahahaha! you're crazy! slippy's nooo!!! is awesome! lol!

i'm loving this.. can someone please produce a tv show about this?

i just wanted to let nintendo know that i hate facebook but <3 twitter. however i think nintendo should hire valve to create a steam for nintendo platforms. NOW THATTTTT would be friggin awesome.

kind of a bad move in my opinion.. blu ray will pick up steam a lot more now due to the high demand for hd content because of hdtv sales.. this could be a similar oversight as the lack of dvd issue for the gamecube.. i'm sure nintendo could've gotten panasonic or samsung to give them a lot of help with that.. shame

i thought i was the only one who felt this way..