
completely agree with you.. that game was so awesome.. even today it still holds its own and is the reason why i still rock my gamecube from time to time!

this actually looks pretty fucking decent.. can't wait for the review.. btw.. nice work on the video.. loving the new production values.. it's cleaner.. cooler.. kudos!

makes you think though.. twitter on 3ds would be an awesome application to download!

oh man! i'm so stoked to hear this news! season 2! w00t! w00t! woohoo! i'm gonna go and put the lime in the coconut.. anyone wanna join me?

it will be hilarious to see you eat your words in time.

mai.. oh mai.. oh mai.. (i could go on.. and on.. AND ON) MAI!! OH MAI!!!


me too

so fanboys and addicts? lol..

lol.. this brings back fond memories of working at a few videogame stores in the past.. fortunately most of the people i worked with were almost the same as me (multiplatform gamers) and that helped to contain the nerd and shine the geek in us.. haha!

in a way we need to take the positives from this (from a consumers point of view) - the new PSN will likely be a lot more secure for us. thats the thing when it comes to hackers - they often end up exposing holes which we didn't realise needed to be filled.

2 free ps3 games? sweet.. lets hope the choice is decent (and not from a choice of games i already own)..!

i call bull on this.. the US government was behind the hack. it's true i swear! my neighbour larry told me.

the rumours are not surprising at all, especially when considering nintendo's confirmation about their next consoles E3 presence.

luckiest coin around.. heehee!


what if he actually died years ago? and that truth somehow surfaces in the future? the government has been shady as can be - and it stinks from the get go. i still think the dude was CIA and everything was orchestrated 9/11 the whole sha-bang. too many unanswered questions. and now no physical evidence to boot. well

i dunno yo.. this whole shit stinks. until there is a reemergence of the real wikileaks i ain't trusting shit.

he's stoned.. i sold him a bag of the stickiest.. lol..

did he actually claim responsibility for the twin tower plot? i mean do we have an actual confession on a tape or anything? and why hide his body away.. i smell a 24 plot..