
what are these blasphemous utterings?!!??!! MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

will my shepard still look like a terminator renegade if i follow my save file over from me2?

yeah! you tell him! lol..

thanks for posting that luke.. man this dudes artwork is so amazing..

i have a psp.. but i'm still a nintendo geek by nature :p

this is what the 3ds needs.. damn you.. damn you sony!

a quality article mr bashcraft ;)

just let me control the chinese army and i will buy 2 copies.

i actually agree with you.

recently i picked up lego star wars III.. what an awesome game.. seriously haven't had this much fun on an xbox360 game since... well since a very long time! is that weird?

nintendo needs to tie up a few third parties to releasing a flurry of content.. right of the bat the console needs some jrpg love.. also a few feature packed winning eleven games and gyakuten saiban games will sell the console like crazy..

looks pretty decent.. but it is really making me hope for a lego evil dead.. (it'll never happen though..)

totally agreed.. not many would appreciate to be surprised by a shlong dong..

i loved 1080..

so they got scared of the fans reaction and decided to take a step back and realise "we really shouldn't piss off our loyal fan base". kudos to the developer - shame they'll never admit to it though lol..

wii delivers pretty well for the type of system it is.

personally i feel it will be a crying shame if sony released a new console in 2013 - ps3 has only just started to sell in decent numbers and personally i do not feel so satisfied with their exclusive releases thus far - yes there have been quite a few decent ones already - but there should be a lot more.

i think there will be a new nintendo console coming out in 2012 - and if so they will reveal it at tgs this year (assuming that it still goes ahead and if not then i would love nintendo to throw a spaceworld towards the end of the year) next years E3 needs to be PACKED with REAL AAA product - not tech demos.

rare without nintendo is like a dry burger bun without meat, cheese, salad, sauce - and anything / everything else which should complete a burger.

i beg to differ.. it's football and sports sections were decent a few years ago - but are way behind the times now.. for sports news i always hit or newsnow / teamtalk - for sports related articles etc in a newspaper format you can't beat the guardian..