
mass effect 2.

but i WANT to give him my 10 pennies.. :(

@Jimmy_Jazz: what about the virtualboy? lol.. dude that thing was over priced and burnt peoples brains!

@VBerg: makes us sound almost like crackheads lol..

@FlashFlashCarCrash: that kinda talk will envelope you into the 'casual' demographic.. lol..

@Jimmy_Jazz: wii and nintendo is different - they will sell shit loads of anything. if microsoft think this thing will appeal to hardcore (gears / cod / halo) gamers, then they need to provide a shit load of meaningful content to convince us to buy it.

no thanks.. i'm content playing my 'hardcore' titles with the normal controller.

this is such a blatant ******* conspiracy.. people need to chill the hell out..

ppl = mthr f****** sns f *******

epic fail..

wii too.

stringer makes more than iwata?! no wonder sony is dying.. they have a chimp in charge - and board members who are also chimps!

steve jobs simply does not give a shit. thats right.. I SAID IT.

i thought steve jobs said that if people want porn on their devices they should get an android.. oh.. wait..

too little.. too late..

not surprising at all.. it's by far the fastest browser at the moment.. i can see it dislodging firefox too..

i'm actually glad.. resi 5 was such a step backwards.. it did NOTHING new for the franchise at all.. it just ripped and copied the best parts resi 4 / resi 0 and tried to re-do them.. but ultimately failed..