
Totally, Stanney. I would check out It filters out MPAA ratings, genres, year, and uses rotten tomato ratings!

URI's website is basically the go to for everyone. They make it insanely easy to understand all of the information that is out there. That being said it cannot be emphasized enough that "treated" clothing is vastly superior to "sprayed" clothing. Its a distinction that needs to be made as clear. Clothing that is

They could offer the moon, it wouldn't help me a bit. Here's an article suggestion: "What To Do When Your Job Blocks All Cloud Storage and Bans Cloud Services."

Go ahead, ask him about his mother next. I dare you. >;D

Brings a new meaning to the phrase, "head shot".

Good question. It's the fact you are actually writing data to that drive multiple times. Operating system utilities don't actually take the time to write to the drive, merely check the integrity and viability. That's why a secure erase takes several hours.

Please don't lump all religious people into the same category as Young-Earth Creationists.

You could remove the 'outlier' high point at 2 joints per occasion, but then you could also remove the 'outlier' low point at 1 joint per occasion. Then the line would still (probably) trend upward.