As long as it doesn't take Keanu away from Bill & Ted III.
As long as it doesn't take Keanu away from Bill & Ted III.
@slevine001: And Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived two atom bombs, so you shouldn't worry about those either.
Wow. Scratch Illinois off the list of places I'm willing to live or visit.
A related hack that takes even less work than these cereal bars — when I pour my morning cereal and discover I'm out of almond milk or rice milk, I mix my cereal with peanut butter. Natural peanut butter at room temperature works especially well because without the partially hydrogenated oils added to it, the peanut…
@bombastinator: Exactly! I use my personal shaving experience to illustrate non-linear associations. Two blades are way better than one. Three are a bit better than two. And five are definitely worse than three.
@bdxdwh3: While I disagree with your position, I appreciate your giving the counterargument. I hate one-sided discussions.
@DramaClub: Great line - "Whatever makes them happy, even if it actually doesn't."
@ThePhysician: Isn't the wifi hub feature a good example of what you're describing? Verizon disabled the wifi hub option on their Froyo update for the Droid to push people into buying a Droid X or Droid 2. They claimed the original Droid wasn't powerful enough, but rooted users were already using the Droid as a wifi…
@HIcycles: You may be right. That is the Apple logic as I understand it. Apple really doesn't trust their users to not screw up their devices.
@wjglenn: Exactly. And if you've find no one is mooching, you've eliminated that as a cause for why your network is bogged down. Moreover, if you've proven no mooching, you won't be giving all your neighbors the stink eye wondering if they're the one.
@Eugene Smiley: Let's see if I track the argument. The default system lets Moto update my phone with 'upgrades' that will eventually overwhelm my specs, downgrading my phone's performance enough that I'll say 'my phone is too weak - I need to upgrade'. Whereas a custom ROM can be as efficient as I need and keep me…
I don't see the logic behind this from Motorola's POV. They make their money from selling their products. Android has a vibrant rooting community. Why alienate a non-trivial sector of the Android market?
@MrYdobon: Link killed by absorbing the period at the end of the sentence. Working link
@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: That statement is partly incorrect. China has funded BOTH the bailouts and the wars. They have been a major buyer of US Treasury bonds for years, not just since the bailouts.
So is turnaround fair play here? Can her lawyers now subpoena all email from anyone in the company regarding complaint?
@exploremn: Great app suggestion! I just tested it on my wife's and my Droids. It works well.
I was trained in double-space, but I'm trying to break the habit — save my thumbs some repetitive stress. That said, I don't really care which approach other people use as long as they are consistent. It drives me crazy when working on a manuscript with a coauthor who bounces back and forth. It's certainly easier to…