For NPR, I've been using Public Radio Live Stream. Ad driven (what I use) or upgrade for ad free. I can store my favorite NPR stations from across the U.S. []
For NPR, I've been using Public Radio Live Stream. Ad driven (what I use) or upgrade for ad free. I can store my favorite NPR stations from across the U.S. []
The first "Yes!" depends heavily on Stephen Covey's Habit 5: "Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood". You have to make sure you really understood what the person was saying before you can express what sentiment you agreed with.
Wow, Google really wants us to be able to use one inbox for everything. If we did, that would make for great marketing data for them. I still believe in having a separate accounts for work, personal mail, and bacn.
@bergroup: Good point. It's not as simple as "I value privacy". My value of privacy is greater than my value of using foursquare. However, my value of privacy is less than my value of Google's "near me now" tool.
@lazymoomin: If you are receiving Word documents, OO frequently messes up the formatting. Word is worth it in that case. An alternative is Softmaker ( [] ) which is cheaper and renders Word docs better than OO. (Note cheaper depends on deals offered by your school. I can get MS Office for $10…
@isuee94: I should have clarified I was referring to calls from smartphones only. Naturally Skype isn't hamstrung on a laptop. (Moto Droid Froyo Unrooted)
Not all of these are free. They have Jackie Chan's "Fearless Hyena", which is a spectacular old-school kung-fu movie, as a $1.99 rental. That price seems double what it should be in these Red Box days.
Calls via wi-fi is huge when traveling out of the country where getting a cell signal may be impossible, but getting wi-fi is doable. Skype and GoogleVoice are both hamstrung that they won't make calls without a cell signal (texting still works). Fring works on wi-fi only, but you have to convince your Skype friends…
@ron.smits: Agreed. The interface is very slick and intuitive, but the "how to tie" part is pure text. If you are already familiar with the knots and just need reminders — or enjoy the history of the knot — then this app would be good for you. For anyone trying to learn the knots, it's not that helpful. Uninstall.…
@budboyy2k: Here you go.
@greyb1: +1 for SwitchPro. It has the auto rotate toggle as well as a number of others. My favorites are:
Can anyone comment on AndroNoter (free), SolidNote (1.50 uk pounds), &/or mNote (ad supported) for synching their Android based phone with the SimpleNote cloud?
@bennyjhglucy: The poll really needs a never option. I suspect some of the "other" responses are actually "never"s, while some are "another time"s. It makes the results difficult to interpret. At best you can take the other times and rank them based on number of responses, but the proportions lack meaning. Buy…
@oleg: Do you (or anyone) know the trick to get Android and Windows to play nicely together? Android turns all my Windows carriage returns into two carriage returns.
I've been requesting the scheduled send option on gmail's feedback for years. If they get this working well, it will be an essential add-on.
@LaneLester: Use html code for symbols. Google html greater than and you'll get lots of useful refs like []
@TSMontana: I'm on that anti-commercial bandwagon and waving the banner high. This is a personal preferences thing, but I find nothing ruins a show like breaking the continuity with blaring loud commercials. I'd be happy with commercials tagged on at the end. I could live with commercials tacked on to the…
A corollary to this proposition is "Drop hobbies that are not making you happy, regardless of how much time and money you have already invested in them."
@Jimmy From The Block: It's clear that many LHers take private browsing pretty seriously. I admit I'm naive as to why. If I'm blogging from China or former Soviet Union member Georgia, I care a whole lot about private browsing. If I'm surfing from home of the Falcons and Braves Georgia, this sounds like a lot of…
Nice — like a location trigger on your actions list. @Target triggers "buy toothpaste". @pissed triggers "stack firewood".