
This would be terrible. We'd end up with whole new line of snooty people who'd say, "I only eat my sandwiches from a bottle." And I'd be one of them.

Anyone know of a search engine that uses regular expressions? Google's Code Search uses them, but as far as I can tell, their main search engine does not.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): This question can be phrased better. Supposed we determined that we could save 600 million lives over the next 20 years by forcefully testing everyone in the world for HIV and exterminating the 50 million HIV positive people alive today. A purely logical morality

I don't understand how Google - the kings of simple, user friendly layouts - managed to create such a cluttered, unfriendly calendar to begin with. I tried it for a month and couldn't stand it. Learning about GCal may get me to reconsider trying Google's calendar again.

Go, Froyo. I hope someday you will find your way into my droid update.

@bloknayrb: I second that. It shows good hardware can't make up for bad software. I wonder if the camera update in froyo will help.

Bad subject lines:

Hmmm, this is a great idea for how to hack into LH users' accounts. 1. Post on LH. 2. Save all passwords entered shortly after the post. 3. Collect user names from comments on post. 4. Turn a trillion years into two minutes by entering the permutations.

Commenting on websites.

People, people. Have you no understanding of the "mega" in megacorporation? Aliens use Windows, shop at Target, and drink at Starbucks. And they are picky customers. Vista and $4 lattes were responsible for the last attack.

VOTE: Index Cards.

In two months the Motorola Droid has gone from buy one get one free to $20 a piece to FREE. That's a crazy good deal on a pretty good phone (Droid owner myself). Either they're clearing stock because the Droid2 is about to be released or they really want to screw Apple and take away potential iPhone4 customers.

Grass roof.

I found these three points useful.

I've found another good place for suggestions is I look up a book I like and scroll down to the "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought" section.

I like It's more social network driven. You friend people and can keep up with what each other is reading. You can post your own reviews or just a 1-5 rating. It gives a list ala "other people who enjoyed this book also enjoyed ...". I like getting credit for everything I do, so the "books I've

@Zenne: This actually brings up an interesting point. I suspect a "these dice have been lucky" experiment would not show the superstitious benefit effect. The effect is that of a subtle positive encouragement on the recipient's behavior.

@beercheck: Nice! Let's see Celsius do something that slick with Pi/2 radians.

It's not the bacteria that smell — it's their waste products. Killing the bacteria will prevent new waste from being generated, but it will not remove the buildup of waste already in your shoes. That waste will eventually wear away, but if there is a lot of buildup, I don't see this doing anything immediate for the

Making 30 thousand employees all change their password, as my university just did, is a nuke where we need smart bombs. Better to have a system that targets employees for pwd change based on risk predictors, e.g. a login attempt from a non-regular IP address, a large number of failed login attempts, or it's