@bdgbill: Lucas didn't pull in any cash from Spaceballs, but he did restrict what they could do. He and Mel Brooks made a fair use agreement that prevented Spaceballs from doing things like marketing any merchandise.
@bdgbill: Lucas didn't pull in any cash from Spaceballs, but he did restrict what they could do. He and Mel Brooks made a fair use agreement that prevented Spaceballs from doing things like marketing any merchandise.
I love the prospect of minimizing my mouse usage. In deciding to try gleeBox, I found it useful to first check out the native keyboard shortcuts in FireFox at [support.mozilla.com]
I have a 2010 Prius under the recall and unfortunately got to experience the ABS braking problem first hand last night. Going downhill at 5 mph, I and the car in front of me both hit a patch of ice. We both braked. He started to slow down. I didn't. I quickly hit my emergency brake with my left foot and came to a…
You won't look like a secret agent anymore, but a crowbar makes the credit card trick a lot easier.
Obviously this suggestion is only for people who find the constant temptation of having a credit card too dangerous for them. It's like having chocolate in the pantry for me. Sooner or later, I'm going to give in.
I was excited about trying Zotero, but it increased my Firefox start up time considerably. It was frustrating enough that I uninstalled it. If there is a way to keep it from bogging down Firefox except when called upon, I'd try it again.
@Monamo: The Tekkeon looks slick. I've been using the APC Mobile Power Pack (link below) for close to 10 years now. No frills, but it's held up great. But it still retails around $60 which is what I paid a decade ago.
Regarding the automation of the song list creation, some mp3 players have a sleep timer that will shut off the player at a specified number of minutes. Set the player on random and the sleep timer for 30 min. The last song will probably cut off in the middle, but that's not a big deal.
@Fase: CutePDF is a better solution because it can pdf anything you can print. PdfMyUrl can't do this. For example, PdfMyUrl can't print my calendar or print an email from gmail. It only prints the login screen, even when I'm logged in.
@JeffPom: I think Gmail's threaded conversation format is great, but you are not alone in hating it. In Gmail's labs forum, there are tons of irate suggestions demanding the ability to turn off threading. The complaint of lost replies is frequent. No indication from Gmail that they ever intend to make threading…
I supervise a few programmers. I've found they appreciate my describing the outcome I need and letting them mostly solve the problem their own way. That said, I make myself available to brainstorming solutions to problems and for code reviews along the way. I've found if I'm not integrated in the working process to…
#1 - You crack eggs on a flat surface?! Why did no one tell me this before? The putting the eggs into a dish and then pouring them into the pan is a sweet trick to get them to cook evenly. Although I think goal of the true bachelor chef is to minimize the number of dishes he has to do.
Thank you! It's about time someone realized that our fast upload/download speeds have made zipping a time waster.
If you have a distinct name, this is definitely worth using several months before going for a job interview. I had friend who had me strip his name from all our online fantasy football pages about six months before he hit the market. (His trash talk was hilarious, but not so professional.) It took a couple months…
"Fired?! But I wasn't looking at porn! I was just bypassing the company's web filter to check Facebook." A lot of companies will fire you just for installing something like this. It doesn't matter what you use it for. If you have to check FB at work, use your smartphone. If you're a student and now the worst…
In the academic world, your email address definitely matters. Having that ".edu" at the end of your email address means you are part of the academic community. I have grad students that want to keep using their yahoo or hotmail addys instead of switching to the university's email. I teach them if they want to be…