
They want that all people feel welcome and included.

No son of mine is going to mascot school! - Tommy Lasorda

In Lasorda’s defense he heard the Phillie Phanatic was going to try “gay stuff” with that Dodgers sex doll.

Yup. Unless you live and travel in the Northeast, Amtrak is not a viable option. It takes more time and money to travel by train than to drive yourself for most of the country.

I’ve read some lawyer opinions that United may have violated their contract of carriage, as the following appears to be the case:

The thing is, people who get paid by patient or hourly or by project are not going to leap up at the thought of $400 and delaying one or more days to get back to their lives. $400 will barely replace a lost days wages in a lot of cases. And then you have lots of other factors that you have to reschedule if you are a

The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.

I can’t believe that. It would be like having an industry where a huge percentage of its employees end up with horrific respiratory disease that the public ignores, and the POTUS promising to increase the number of jobs in said industry. Real Looney Tunes stuff.

I was just making a CBP/CPB joke.

That code doesn’t apply here, especially since the jackboots dragging him off the plane aren’t crew members.

Nope. They say you can be denied boarding.

God... Now the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is detaining foreign travelers? Big bird is secretly racist.

For an involuntary deferment, it’s supposed to be a check. How much you wanna bet they offered vouchers? A United voucher is like negative money.

Go fuck yourself.

Bootlicking Republican cuckold says what?

So they took him off, bloodied and just left him to wander back on the plane? I guess they enjoy the physical abuse part of the job so much they forget about doing the boring follow through and guarding the jetway. They just walk over to the bar and have a beer and celebrate?

“when he fell”. you spelled dragged into the aisle and dumped against an armrest wrong.

Kinja’s infinite scrolling should be placed on leave.

“He fell.”