
Well one could argue package design is related to advertising and I agree, they do go a bit crazy with their over the top package designs, which is incredibly expensive.

Yeah give me some of those robots asap!

Neat. At least we know where all their money is going - advertising. Instead of the actual product itself and/or innovating on new approaches.

Fair enough.

When you say Xbox would be dead because it’d just be a PC, what I get from that is you holding some type of stigma or “essence” to the plastic box we call the Xbox One, as if there’s something special or unique that separates itself from the rest of our technology in the gamin world, when really, it’s literally an x86

I believe windows 10 is the bridge to bring both worlds together so they’re not competing against themselves. Their goal is to unite the two different “camps” under one “Xbox Live” roof with windows 10.

That’s a good question.

A company can’t break barriers and allow people to use two different boxes on a single platform they also developed themselves?

Fair enough. My work actually informed me their laptops they issued us wont be upgrading to Windows 10 any time soon which made me sad face, but I’m definitely upgrading my personal rig for that yummy DX12.

I wish I could comment but i’m just not qualified to make comments on their financial investments on a level that may or may not transform the company for better or worse.

Yep, it’s absolutely part of the 6 series. Welcome aboard! :P

But... it’s Doom. Doom has and always will be a mindless violent demon killing simulator.


And by colossal, he means insanely crazy jump in power.

Why would you be annoyed? There will more than likely be some games that are only on Xbox One and not PC - you should be okay with your investment.

I had to.

Are pistols like the cats meow? That's all I see streamers and people rocking recent screenshots using.


It’s crazy, a good friend of mine and I were JUST discovering that this game has online multiplayer last night, so needless to say we both joined on the Hype Train (even though he was already 100% excited about the game’s single player values) and now, this video comes out a day later after boarding the Hype Train and

It’s like Fox in Smash Melee. He’s just wicked good. Can’t blame people for being all up on his junk.