
Omfg give this to us with a case attached to it for android and iPhones right meow. Please.

One of the coolest games being made, yet a final product merely feels like a blip of the imagination.

At least it's a step up from this.

And yet PSO is way more fun in the long run... and if you don't think so then you've never owned a Dreamcast.

That's pretty intense. If I were you, i'd adopt a new child only to do it all over again but this time around record it and put it on YouTube for 12 billion views, then you could buy yourself a brand new Buick and settle down in North Dakota with a fat bank account. The American Dream.

you may or may not get pussy from donating your old 3DS to your lady friend. Choose wisely.

have you tried it? ;)

Looks like sand.

Man, we are so insanely small and insignificant within the universe.

So things that are good for us when exposed to insane temps should errupt rainbows and kisses for all?


Call of Diabetes: High Fructose Warfare

Now playing

And then there's this guy who makes everyone look like they're garbage.

Thanks man!

Ummm... I want to sometimes select just specific windows or portions of the screen.

Next time hold back the sass and just accept not everyone wants what you identically want ;)

Can we maybe get a preview function like OSX where you press spacebar on an image and have it pop up to view real quick?


Fuck yes.

Give me Adobe Illustrator and you have yourself one happy vector artist.