
Light. Saber.


PLOT TWIST - All the ice already melted due to the horrible air quality dilemma in China and the time spent organizing the dumping of polluted water over one's head turned into the largest bath party ever recorded.

I like the two 2 Cool 4 Skewl chicks who walk by towards the end as if there's not a gigantic inflatable castle rolling down the beach violently, powered by the souls of the damned.

LOL! I don't know why but that made me laugh pretty hard.

Each time i saw this poor, innocent, defenseless, beautiful original Gameboy get dropped, a part of me died inside.

As humorous as it is - this is also incredibly sad. These poor firefighters are risking their lives in the most psychotic element known to man, Fire - and they're lacking funding for something that is NEEDED. All the money that we (the US) pisses away should be headed directly to our Fire department and Education... I

Advertising is awesome!

I don't know why, but this game 7 years later, in my mind feel like it just debuted yesterday as I watch that gif. Odd.

Introducing iWalk. A uni-body design made with a unique plastic blend forged at the highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains. Will retail at $499 USD.

Coming soon, 2045 - Direct X 666.

So... Where's our 1080p 60fps Online-Ready F-Zero with the ability to build your own custom ship with cockpit views and 16 man races with a sound track that makes your mind melt?

This is a beautiful time in our universe.

I've been wanting to get a 3DS just for Smash... and this just made me cry, in happiness.

Whoa sick!

Who was that at the end? Bowser Jr doesn't sound that old or is that large.

I'm okay with this. Why? Welp after a little reading:

iPhone 6 perhaps released AND Destiny in 1 day? ...Thank you Baby Mt. Dew Jesus.