
Kalling it - MK X @ the next EVO Championship. This game is FUCKING AMAZING.

I know, analogies are difficult. It's okay.

Obvious troll is obvious.

They're preparing to launch a new portion of Twitch for musicians, artist and entertainers - so you can watch digital painters/designers/illustrators create, or enjoy a producer making some new tracks (very much how Deadmau5 currently streams) and also live concert events.

DARPA probably has some crazy prototypes in the works.

Jiggle Jiggle.


I agree, but that fella still hasn't forgot it's street smarts, it's deeply rooted in him. It's why he's where he is today, and not dead on the side of the road.

The absolute sign that Google has given this brilliant amazing platform a proper home.

Inb4 some crazy nut makes up some conspiracy theory about rearranging the lines in the main logo design to form Lucifer burning babies.

that's like looking at a street fighter chart with character data and saying "does anyone actually need this? Just hit the other guy more than he hits you, and you're good to go."

This extension just changed my fucking life.



Good - Just in time for Doom and UT to bring back the way it used to be played. Fuck yeah America (and parts of Europe too)

Didn't know they were making Destiny 2 already-wait, oh it's Mass Effect. HOLLA!

They already alienated themselves enough for being a one trick pony of a FPS.

This is the most retarded, marketing gimmick bullshit in the history of computer peripherals. God damn.

This is the most retarded, marketing gimmick bullshit in the history of computer peripherals. God damn.