
Phones have become a digital pissing contest.

Sup captain attention.

I get what they're doing but with a proper high end set of headphones (look at DT 770 Pro's for roughly 180-200 dollars) you get sound quality that is beyond the expectations for the average user, providing richer sound and literally infinite potential since the 80 ohms version requires a headphone amp to unleash it's

The naming convention of these things blows my mind at how abstract and odd they are. Pretty cool though.

I laughed way too hard at your comment lol

Next-Gen, guys.

The whole East vs West junk needs to just go away. It's as pointless as Black vs White segregation back in the day. We're both humans on either side of this sphere we live on, just give the WORLD who are you fans cool stuff and in return, we love you. Hell, people are so into subtitles now adays because dub's are

I mean... I guess... but nah.


Is it... are all these "hey check out what japanese people are doing on instagram/twitter" really a trend? Really? HONEST ABE QUESTION

This is identical to when I start to suck at Sim City.

I wouldn't dare ride that thing. It's usually joked about how china though capable of building nearly anything in a timely manner, their standards with checks and balances for safety are rather, lacking.

WE DONT CARE. This is a comedic animation. Just stop it.

Hah! Touché

TL;DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch) Version - "Man life is great! Oh no! Satan is back! Time to take him down and retrieve the soul stone this old man keeps talking about. Yeah! WE DID IT! ...but where's the soul stone, AWE MAN! NOT AGAIN! His best friend has it, we must take him down too. YEAH! WE DID IT AGAIN! ...wait a

Thank you :)

I had to.