
...i thought we cut budget from the space program, hence no longer owning a space ship/rocket. ?

Same - I mean, they could literally walk into the HQ of FOX and drop off a huge bag filled with Mickey Mouse Bills, which are clearly more valuable than standard USD. There must be some serious death grips on that franchise... and it's slowly killing it.

It's like watching someone be in a really bad abusive

...just stop and hand it over to Disney, with a reboot, and get a new/improved Wolverine on the Avengers where he belongs. Thank you.


Human Consciousness.

That DOGE instantly wanted nothing to do with all that.

Mounts - Do they behave much like WoW?

Is it wrong of me to want the EXACT opposite? I want my reality to be shattered, I want boundaries to be broken, I want my body to accept a NEW EXPERIENCE.

Ah gotcha. Man that sounds really really fun, the talent system and whatnot, since the item system in DOTA/LoL always perplexed me.

Damn that's cool - So skills your team mates pick can benefit their entire team sort of deal? Any idea when more keys are being given out?

This sounds awesome! I can't wait to get a chance to play this.

Valve is all about those muted Earth Tones... sigh.

Fun fact. WoW was developed by taking the best of every other MMO that was around circa 1997 to 2005 and put it into their own game, making it THE most popular and successful MMORPG to date.

Genuine question, not trolling at all. How is it different than DOTA or LoL? I'm a person who played both DOTA and LoL and as someone who REALLY wanted to get into MOBA's, I just couldn't for the life of me with either game for some reason.

Man - I miss the Diablo 2 Character Selection Screen. Though i'm a HUGE Diablo 3 nerd now, I dislike the clunky grid-based UI design when making a new character :(

Sick - more Roleplay fuel.

Microsoft is developing their own VR googles. The project is being called Fortaleza, pretty interesting stuff and was leaked years ago, I think in 2010?

Paragon Level 235 Barbarian preordered and ready to go!

The top part rests on your forehead/cranium. Apparently it's surprisingly more comfortable that way.

Where's the kill streaks and levels?

I've been playing this game for a while now and it still cracks me up hearing all the little nuances going about as you're playing. And for some reason, you can't really get upset for not making that one shot with the pea shooter, as the writer said, all the tension just seems to fade away. Love this game to death and

These kind of articles just promote arguments. It's insanely ridiculous and also very discretely destructive to the gaming community. Don't be fooled by the people within the community, it isn't your faults, its the people who self-perpetuate such stories to fuel the inner turmoil within the gaming community to cause