
So much win!

You know, the clothing he's wearing was probably made in a sweat factory in some 3rd world country.

I wish they'd make these consoles in that old SNES plastic where it eventually turned an off-white/yellow color, even in non-smoking environments.

Understandable, really. We're now in the age of technology where graphics have reached an insane level of detail, and it's able to be achieved much easier than it was back in the day, now with DX11/DX11.2, Unreal SDK's, etc. We as a community of gamer's are subconsciously jaded to the fact that these games are

They are starting to do that. A developer that pops into mind who's taking a step in the right direction is Ubisoft. Watch Dogs has incredibly high fidelity living/breathing city and from what we saw in The Division game play video, there were so many design nuances all over the place, to really immerse you into their

Um... so you're trying to tell me I can hone in my Street Fighter/Fighting Game passion, into a League of Legends-based Fighter, with Riot giving this game it's blessing, resulting in a chance to enjoy the thrill of League but in a style that is deep inside my veils since I was a wee child, playing Street Fighter 2

It's okay, it's fun sometimes! :D

lol you're trying WAY too hard my friend ;)

I completely agree with you. Kinda shocked to be perfectly honest.

I just looked on the bottom of the page and...

"Thank You For Your Offer" - Recent FPS for One Penny? Time to install :)

The joke's on you. He doesn't actually write any of this stuff anymore, it's his platoon of monkeys in the back with refurbished laptops slamming away at the keyboard. Jay Leno is weak sauce.

Pretty sure they didn't make a Vanu Sovereignty only because the technology inside that hasn't been released to the public just yet ;)

I currently have an iPhone 4S.

lol whoa there Sparky. Just because people look into details and analyze doesn't make them some sort of a bad person. You should be happy that there's still people whom think in this world and that actually care to look further than what is being presented to them.

Intellimouse Optical 1.1 Special Edition.