
I’m going to rang here. I worked in social work when I left University and I saw the impact of high-rise living amongst the population of my city. People think super-talls and high rise apartments are the way to go. It depends on where you’re living. In my city - Glasgow - we built dozens of high-rise apartment

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

uBlock Origin.

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

I bet they gave him a stern torquing to.

Steamed fraud?

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.

Happy for all the mosaics fans out there.

“Doom Project Diary, day 667: Been trapped in this base for years now. I keep thinking I fought the last demon, broke the last crystal, grunted the last grunt... but I’m wrong. I wake to an endless sea of laughing, gibbering abominations in an endless bath of death and corruption in endless bases on endless planets.

My vote is for burn that mother fucker down.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

A solid list, but I’ll add some more on the older side:

This has been my phone background for years. :D

This has been my phone background for years. :D

Lumina RA Desk Lamp

Lumina RA Desk Lamp