
... pajama boys?

“It’s the imagery of the Bernie brothers and the pajama boys and the Hillary Clintonistas.”


That. Was a long train coming. But so worth it.

Same! Although I Also enjoy Jenny. some of those lesbian jokes are effing hysterical to this lesbian.

I died when she hit herself with. The confetti cannon. Some of the best segments on seth’s shows are when they break up and step out of the scene.

I love the “Jokes Seth can’t tell” segments, and like 90% of that is because of Amber. She’s just so damned funny.

This is a beta-test for Ivanka’s national child-care program

Why he even bring the thunder.

It makes me wonder sometimes why I even bring the thunder.

Such a blunder sometimes it makes me wonder why I even bring the thunder.

You can’t really dress up as an Indian or cowboy anymore, and recently a lot of the public has turned on the police. There just aren’t a lot of good options left.

Resting rich face.

I will keep starring that for the next six months or so. Then I’ll get very depressed and stop.

By the time Scott is done with this franchise, the Xenomorph will have like 20 different forms in its lifecycle. Goo begets chestburster v1 which lays egg that hatches facehugger which lays chestburster v2 which burrows into the ground and releases spores which grow into chestburster v3 which lays eggs. Then we’ll

Hey, Alex Pareene has just as much of a right to be there as everyone else.

The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.

Corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony
And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany the upselling market for Hamilton tickets