That’s a good point. Tom Brady is basically the same person as Barack Obama.
Thanks for that? You must be fun at parties.
- says he does not have much to say
And hilariously it’s just been making her more famous and powerful. Had they done nothing, she’d just be another first-year House member, without much power among Dems. But thanks to
conservatives, she's got some real power.
I don’t know whether to be more impressed with the quickness of the transmission or the capabilities of the global positioning system.
I’m very sorry that your computer lacks a scrolling function.
There is nothing in any way bad about somebody valuing you as a friend. If you feel bad about being in the “friend zone,” do your unsuspecting friend the kindness of letting them know you’re a creepy asshole who has no use for their friendship except as it affords you proximity for continuing to try to fuck them, and…
Mr. Regular, being an English major, would cringe at reading this quotation.
The rich rob people blind and get away with it every day. Poor people go to prison for that stuff.
Everybody knows that old school station wagons just keep rollin rollin rollin
TBH, that looks worse.
Ironic considering the cars end up doing left turns.
The NRA doesn’t care about your rights. Fuck off with that ignorant bullshit.
When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?
Corinth is known for its leather!
That’s tacky as hell. Sorry, not sorry.