
Yeah, it’s whack.

I guess that does lead us back to the initial point doesn’t it? Life is funny!

I’ll jump in here to drop a little anecdote. The SOP for editing rigs is to have them as isolated boxes or fibered together in an intranet. They don’t talk to the outside world, and they only do editing (I’m using editing as a catch all for VFX, grading, finishing, etc...) and therefore if it runs and does what you

Ehh, not so fucked really. I was more commenting on the breakdown of systems actually in use and the street level assumption of what is in use.

Every major post house, VFX house, and audio house in the world edits on PC.

If you’re right and we’re such an overwhelmed minority then what does telling me to stop liking things that I like accomplish?

It’s why you don’t see these anymore.

And I think that is fantastic! Genuinely, I do. I wish you all the joys rowing your own along those beautiful roads. I drive manuals as well! They are wonderful.

I agree! But you aren’t selling those horses to the general public (for instance, the amount of 911 buyers) for transportation.

Do you believe that an automatic transmission is inherently dangerous?

That’s cool! Buy an older 911. Porsche has said that 90% of their buyers don’t care about the “true connected experience with the car.”

You are equating driving a motor vehicle to a basic human biological function. That is a bridge too far.

Make one.

What do you mean by that? Are you insinuating that I can only “drive properly” if I am rowing my own every time I am on the road? That seems.. archaic.

No doubt. But if you believe that is the ultimate experience of driving, buy one.

Than in your view, the 911 reached its true potential before the introduction of PDK. That’s totally okay! Go buy one of that vintage.

I know exactly how Jalponik works. I enjoy seeing a car realize its true potential. The 911 will never do that with 3 pedals.

Progress is looking toward the future. To new technologies that better the old ones. You aren’t looking for progress when you want Porsche to still offer 3 pedals. You are looking for nostalgia, which is pretty much the antithesis of progress.

It’s 2016. Get over it.

SLS Roadster.