King's Field actually had a bit of a following at that time. Ugly-as-hell game, and one that takes some time getting used to, but lots of people apparently got into it.
King's Field actually had a bit of a following at that time. Ugly-as-hell game, and one that takes some time getting used to, but lots of people apparently got into it.
Lies, LIES. I loved that game. It was hectic and enjoyable as heck, once you got used to the jetboot system. Short game, but it ended before it wore out its welcome to me.
Why is this the worst? Because I bought the CD edition of one of the most impregnable, no-idea-if-I-have-the-right-thing-or-if-I'm-just-doing-things-wrong adventure games out there.
Spongebob is iconic. Watchmen was watched (lololol) by lots of people who were in the same age bracket that fondly remembers Spongebob. Our audience powers combine: Form of Spongebob/Watchmen mashup that many find hilarious!
Point! Though there are likely a few more trailers to come before the actual release, so I'm guessing they'll cover the actual plot there.
Movie about spandex-clad mutant superteam without a hint of wit:
Nnnnoooooope. This was EXACTLY the direction they needed to go in.
You know it has to be posted.
Poke around online for'em. Some of them turn up on Amazon, others on Play-Asia, and there are a few other stores that stock'em.
I still haven't had the guts to change out the gun attachment - it feels like I have to pull hard enough to pull off other stuff. But I don't really care, because the main gun looks the best to me.
Maybe that's why my Norwegian PS4 console won't ship until March 17th even though I ordered it in December. Hmph.
As others have mentioned, that Samus shot makes it look much cheaper than the actual figure. Unless they changed the plastic, it's way awesome.
Good thing my Kickstarter password was cleverly made by slamming my palm on my keyboard a couple of times randomly. Which is how I also made the new password.
What he said. Everyone's already buying the 3DS, so the WiiU is the one in need of more stuff.
This feels like a prank where they gave the janitor who does a funny Movie Trailer Voice impersonation the whole press release for the game to read through, and then forgot that they were doing it as a joke. Or it's made by aliens.
* Donkey Kong Gets Bored Of Own Game, Plays With Himself
I will follow this rule religiously.