
Well, yeah... Though there WAS an ending.

He's been a regular in my party since I got him, and I'm past the Fairy gym. He's not an all-purpose pokemon, but he's darn close. He took out an entire gym leader team on his own.

I'm reading through the full collection, and Watterson does now and then let an arc run for up to two, maybe sometimes even four weeks (10-20 strips). Watterson was even a fan of skipping the need to have a fourth-panel punchline in favor of letting the story do its own thing.

The most likely option, MUGEN, is free. Though I'm sure the creators wouldn't mind a bit of a boost!

Not many people at all in Watterson's world.

That would maybe work if not for the head. The head is so very Not Hobbes. Neither the plush version or the Calvin's-imagination version.

The actual reason why mr. Watterson doesn't want a movie:

Now playing

Difference is, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have long and intricate plots full of characters. Whereas the longest Calvin & Hobbes arcs would maybe fill fifteen minutes of screen time.

Damages done? Certainly no monetary value. But you can at least try to get some free swag, free tickets for next year or similar stuff. If nothing else, on the grounds that it's immensely much better publicity for them.

Also something the game doesn't do a great job of teaching you: YOU CANNOT DELETE HM MOVES (THE ONES THAT SHOW UP AS BLUE IN YOUR HM/TM LIST) UNTIL YOU GET TO THE MOVE DELETER. Meaning that my starter has Cut (one of the least useful combat moves in the game) stuck on one slot for now.

Playstation Plus: Seriously clever move that ensured that Sony won the late game in this generation.

That was all kinds of amazing.

Definitely a Hamill-style Joker, but he does it equally well. And, well, this is a character we EXPECT to sound like this. So when we get a good voice actor to make him sound like that, I'm happy.

Actually, he did get what he wanted (artistic freedom on Sunday pages, no licensed C&H merchandise). And then he went on to do the comic for another 2-3 years.

All that stuff, his perspective on how it started, how it ended and such, is covered in the foreword he himself wrote for the complete C&H collection. It's no big mystery. I'm sure you can find it somewhere online if you look for it, too.

Baconburd 4 lyfe.

What really tips this over into "this isn't just dumb but awful" territory is that it's not a generic "At NYCC" tweet... It's a tweet that actively pretends to make readers think the tweeter wrote that.

Well, without spoiling much, there's an uprising in the animal-fables-only farm because they feel like they're being treated as second-class citizens.

If you're not entirely convinced by the first volume of the comic, do yourself a favor and nevertheless pick up the second volume ("Animal Farm"). That's where it gets really awesome.