So is "MARVEL War of Hero" a bootleg Marvel game done by people who don't know much English, or is it just a victim of limited character spaces?
So is "MARVEL War of Hero" a bootleg Marvel game done by people who don't know much English, or is it just a victim of limited character spaces?
To everyone feeling upset that Fez 2 isn't coming out and being angry at Fish or Beer for it (love those last names, by the way):
The Shoryuken thread on One Piece has a few people thinking he knew Haki back then too. Which makes sense, because Doflo isn't terribly young. However, you can have a high position in the world without knowing Haki, as Crocodile proved before he got Luffy's bloodfists in the face. And as Buggy's potentially proving.…
They were kinda awkward at first, but they've got a nice thing going now. While it doesn't quite have the same ragtag charm as when it had Jon in it - while it could be pretty infuriating to watch them play incredibly badly at times, it was also a good source of humor - some of the newer stuff is laugh-out-loud funny.
Sometimes, like in certain bits of the Fishman Island arc, the slower pacing actually worked out well. One of my complaints with the FI arc in the manga was that you were basically having a ton of characters thrown at you and then tossed aside for a while and then switched back in, without giving them much screen time.
Well, in these latest chapters (attacking a certain logia, defending himself from a meteorite), you see the strings he's throwing out and manipulating. He's coupling really skilled use of a pretty badass devil fruit powers (string string fruit or whatever) with strong Haki.
Just a quartet...
The anime is pretty good, but yes, it does suffer from the usual manga-to-anime adaptation problem, in that something that happens really fast in the manga has to be dragged out in the anime to fill time. That, or they fill time with flashbacks - often flashbacks to stuff that happened earlier in the same episode.
Yeah, that arc is a little dull overall. The payoff for Brook is pretty amazing, though.
If you're talking about Doflo's heritage, there are lots of hints out there but no actual answers yet.
Dude needs to take himself some proper vacations. Let himself relax properly. Two to four weeks in the summer, two to four weeks around Christmas. We can survive without a few weeks of One Piece every year, more than he can survive working himself to death.
Thankyou! That makes everything better. I was just about to complain about the "not available in your country" problem.
Dat bomb. Dat backthrow.
There is NO WAY they managed to evacuate any part of the central city in the middle of all that. The attack happened way too fast, in way too big a city.
Oh... Ooooh no... You did it. You really did it.
Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Dragon Quest IV/V/VI/IX (I hear V is the best one, but just pick one and you've got the old-school DQ experience), Dragon Quest VIII (yes, another DQ game, but this one does away with the overworld to some pretty neat results... Man, it would be nice to get an…
Except it plays SNES games!
Well, hey. Good for you. Enjoy not playing those games when Microsoft's servers go down for more than a day.
The Sansa one missed an opportunity by not including a whole lotta names on that wall.