
The trick to being a pirate character juggler is to not forget those characters you last saw 400 episodes ago.

The comics are ace. Absolutely and definitely. The troubles with adapting them to a TV show are as follows:

I was more left with a "whoa" kinda feeling than feeling like I could cry. When the disk change came after that, and you were left heading into unknown, snowy territories, it felt epic. Like you never truly knew what was around the corner. And thankfully, I was too inexperienced to have bothered specializing, so my

That's pretty darn awesome, and I've never seen it before.


Not really. See, with the Vita you have the room and resolution to get proper 2:1 pixel scaling on that bigger, tastier screen (if they do it the right way, that is).

Now playing

The combination of salty and sweet is completely freaking awesome. These, for instance, are salted corn bugles covered in milk chocolate. And they are. Amazing.

I can't stand Hershey's dark chocolate. The stuff tastes like goat.

I think most people have a certain affinity towards the snacks from the country where they grew up, because that's what they've been accustomed to. It deserves to be noted that all the Americans I know who've had Norwegian storebought chocolate say that it's far superior to the storebought American stuff.

Piece of shit? I wouldn't call it that. It's a perfectly entertaining piece of fluff with fun fights and fun banter, and considering that the movie basically settles into a fight-banter-fight-banter rhythm, this is no bad thing.

I'll admit I lost interest after about five minutes, but I had a nearly-spit-out-my-pasta-dinner moment at "Punch In The Eye Man".

Recently, the one that feels the worst is probably my purchase of "Army Corps of Hell" for the Vita. Not because of the game - I hear it's pretty good - but because I accidentally bought it on the wrong account. The one that I somehow accidentally created, and which has NOTHING but Army Corps of Hell and 30 Second

Well, clearly he has work to do then! You're not done with Z until you've killed all the A's.

Good. Now deep fry it.

Smileworthy on the whole. I did chuckle audibly at "Biiiig winneeeer."

I actually remember that comic. The reason for all that stuff is that Bowser invented a "dumb bomb" or something. Basically, you throw it at someone, they become a total derp. It gets out of hand, naturally, and before long everyone's, well, that.

The 3DS has done pretty darn well since the price cut last fall. Plus, the StreetPass thing is actually genius: It makes people want to bring it to conventions and the like, because it means a ton of hits. So it increases the likelyhood that you'll see 3DS owners actually having their 3DS with them.

Watch the video, though. He says "I don't get it; the Vita's a great machine." No hate, just bafflement.