Nah. You lure him up to where he stops following you, and then you weave and dodge and punish his slow swipes.
Nah. You lure him up to where he stops following you, and then you weave and dodge and punish his slow swipes.
Rrrrr dammit. Bosses and extra areas as console DLC, pretty pretty pretty please?
Manga. Anime's good, but it suffers from being far slower-paced than the manga, where stuff happens at a breakneck pace.
Not really, no... They just don't know how to block low. I don't even play Cammy, and I see three REALLY wrong things:
So Vader is a total pimp in Turkey. Awesome.
They are not bored, they are EATING YOUR SOUL FLEE FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES FLEEE oh too late.
Well, he is technically right... It's not gaming news! It's a gaming blog post.
On subsequent playthroughs, I'd name him "Nanaki", just so he could get that weird moment when everyone learns that his name isn't Nanaki, but Nanaki, and then keep calling him Nanaki anyway. And then later on he introduces himself as "Nanaki, also known as Nanaki".
Legacy Control isn't usually too funny, but this time it elicited an audible chuckle out of me. Mostly 'cause of Link's attitude in the final panel.
If you don't make him happy, the work suffers... And then nobody's happy.
Dammit, I almost sprayed Thai food all over my monitor.
While this game doesn't really seem to deserve any credit based on everything else I've read about it, in general I do have to protest when a reviewer plays a game on the easiest setting and then complains about the lack of challenge. The only exception is when the easiest setting is the game's default setting.
I'm more concerned with Ryu's pose in that picture there. That looks seriously uncomfortable. Where the heck is his left leg? Why is his torso like that while his hips and head is like that? What's he doing? Why is there fire coming out of his crotch?
They really did leave no doubt that yep, Mario is now properly dead.
Some people don't like the series because they don't feel they can relate to Scott because they feel he's kind of a dick. And, well, that turns out to BE the whole point of the series... That Scott IS a dick and has to come to terms with it.
To all you later haters: Yeah, it's old, but it's new to some, as evident by the non-complaining comments.
I prefer "interesting" over "good-looking".
All that, and they didn't even mention this.