
Dark Souls.

Well, marks rather than points, actually. What I'm gathering these days is mainly Marks of Distinction (for tier 2 PVE armor) and Marks of Krypton (for slightly-better-than-tier-2 Kryptonian armor). You get these through doing post-singleplayer-game Alerts (tier 1 gives Marks of Triumph, tier 2 gives Distinction) and

A mix between DC Universe Online (my plant healer Canadian Pharmacist is currently running around on the European PVP server, a few points away from another Tier 2 bit of armor), Super Mario 3D Land (lots of fun), and trying out GBA games on the 3DS.

The GBA games actually look pretty good blown up on the 3DS screen, at least as far as graphics go. I do have a complaint in that they seem to have turned the screen brightness way down for the GBA play. It's especially noticeable on Yoshi's Island and WarioWare... Though Metroid Fusion, being a bleak game as it is,

Now playing

While I'm undecided on what I enjoyed more out of Fusion and Zero, I will say that Fusion has some of the most heart-pounding boss battles of the series.

Oh hey, it's Friday the 16th.

Nope! They DID reach the halfway mark, though :) As in, they literally made it halfway around the world, and now they're just getting started on the second half.

I wasn't originally interested in this, but Intelligent Systems? Hmmmm... Well, it's one to ponder later, when I don't have a ton of other games to play.

Yeah, you could mostly backtrack whenever you wanted... through the same corridors. Until you got the airship, at which point you could select places from a menu, like the teleport stones in FF13.

Nnnno, not really. Do you remember how playing FFX actually was? Between battles and the occasional, very brief town, you pretty much... pushed the stick forward. :)

If you enjoyed FFX, you're likely to enjoy FFXIII. They're equally corridory, and the battle system keeps you playing even through some of the dumbness that goes on in both, especially as things get more complicated and challenging.

Oh, and here's a tip that would've helped me a lot in the early portions, and which is not a spoiler: To do a backstab, you have to have your shield lowered. Keep this in mind.

You can always go back. There are no areas that aren't escapable somehow.

The third game is actually one of those games that should really benefit from an HD upgrade. Much like a lot of the more ambitious games from the end of the Playstation 2's lifespan, it suffered from stuff like the background jerkily becoming visible when one turned around.

Mob mentality is a funny thing. I remember, as a teenager, going to see the Titanic movie in the relatively small local theatre in our town of about 8000 people. I was about in the middle of the line, which was getting pretty huge. And despite the theatre being more than big enough to accomodate everyone, they were

If you haven't already been through Anor Londo, you really want to hold off on Tomb of Giants. If you're already there and overwhelmed and can't warp back up... Uhm. Well, there are ways, thankfully!

After about 140 hours, this is goodbye to Dark Souls for now. I'd just rung the second bell in New Game +, and triggered a couple of events I'd missed the first playthrough (during which I managed to do most of the stuff in the game anyway).

I see they're going REALLY old-school with this one. Remind people of the good ol' PS1 days, when a launch Ridge Racer game could get away with that.

It wasn't even save scumming, really. It was an outright pause menu option that said "Start the day over" or similar. The game pretty much invited you to do so :)