
Just one shot to get the last piece... Uh. You do know you could restart each day without any penalty in Pikmin 1? That was pretty much how I played it. If I messed up a day, I started it over, and got further with fresh knowledge.

... You shouldn't have done that.

As solid as this first-party launch lineup looks on paper, none of these really interest me. I'm not really up for another Uncharted at the moment, and Everybody's Golf was fun but only held my attention for a few hours, aaaand that's about it. At least until I learn more about the games in there that aren't part of

That is very neat, but there's also a bit of Demon's Souls in there. I don't remember tongue guy being in Dark, but he was definitely in Demon's.

I don't clack clack understand clack what you're clack clack talking about clack.

To be fair, I think they're up to about five raids now, and a few more duos.

Except most of the time when a game is subscription-only, you've already paid a new-game price just to get the game in the first place.

Kudos for the Shadow Wars shoutout. The game needs more of an audience.

When you ban people for exploiting glitches, you really have to be careful. As has been mentioned elsewhere in the comments, if you go by a "you touched this glitch and so you're banned" approach, you'll ban a lot of people who either didn't know it would be cheating or who happened upon it accidentally.

When you get to that point, pay special attention to the different types of armor on sale. The interface kinda hides it unless you poke further into it, but there's a reason why the healer-specific tier armor IS better for healers. Basically, it gives you far better... healing :) Meanwhile, the nonspecific armor is


In this game, even healers' damage counts. Everyone does damage while contributing with their own specific skill... And with easy point respeccing and different armor and weapons, you can easily have a character switch between DPS and whatever else they do, though at higher levels you need to gather both types of

The Controller's MAIN function in raids is in fact to keep everyone's mana topped up. He's the "healer" that keeps healers and magic-types going, while also doing some status stuff and damage on enemies.

The timing's pretty forgiving. I haven't played in a while, but from what I remember you pretty much just hold the direction you wanna use after each attack. With the rifle, as you unlock more attacks, you eventually get into a pattern where you hop back a couple of times, hit back once more to do a more powerful

As a current rifle mainer, I can tell you that the rifle's pretty good for building combo... something that's less important before the endgame content, but when you start specializing your role, keeping your combo going is necessary to refill your power.

I'm avoiding looking at the replies to your post for the sake of avoiding spoilers, but I will say (without spoiling) that I'm almost done, and I've mostly done it on my own too. I mainly poked into the Wikidot page for Dark Souls when it came to figuring out how to get to a couple of places (The Hollow and the Undead

This sounds like something that'll improve once you learn the maps and improve teamwork. You cover some points, your teammates cover some.

Oh, I know. I intend to not miss stuff, but at the same time there're things I can't help. Like what happened after I rescued a certain character, and didn't notice until it was too late that the character was in a certain place while another character was making leery comments. And how I accidentally struck another

Invaders always had some advantages (they don't get hit by enemies), but phantoms can't use Estus in this game. So you can't quaff potions like you could in Demon's Souls. Plus, the invader can't be a higher level than the invaded. And, the fact that you need to be human to do invasions makes it a higher-risk thing

Yeah, I've pondered the Darkmoon thing, but I don't wanna go to a FAQ to find out how until I complete the game :) Discovering stuff on your own is the best thing about this game.