
Trouble with these types of cartridges is that unless they hack the system BEFORE it boots (from what I've understood), an update can kill it until they manage to update the firmware on the cart. With the custom firmware solution to system haxoring for homebrew and suchlike, it seems they can provide workarounds to

Personal highlight: "Really interesting to taste these sprinkles. Wrawrawrawmnom nom nom."

Now playing

This song represents the moment I realized that the music in this game is completely awesome.

If the game's canon, at least one of the fights in that trailer is gonna be unwinnable.

At first when I saw the headline I briefly pondered making the joke that the boy's last words were "U mad?", but then I thought that would be tasteless, but now I see the boy's fine and thus the joke is not a problem any more, but then "U mad?" wouldn't have been his LAST words, so the joke wouldn't have been as

I know, I know, don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all... But godDAMN the music is annoying in the "cave of knowledge" or whatever bit in Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition.

I normally agree with you - the pricing for most Game Boy games is ludicrous - but there are two games on the Eshop VC that are so very, very worth what you're paying for them. One of them is Link's Awakening, the other one is Donkey Kong. Link's Awakening is, in fact, really good value for money as far as gameplay

Huh. I guess that does make sense. Well, I could be mistaken about the "ease of use" thing, but I do remember reading that developers had an easier time getting good performance out of it easily, while the "ceiling" was lower.

Well, the N64 was technically superior to the competition at the time. They just made the dumb decision to go with cartridges.

Oh god, it looks so shiny in that picture. So glorious.

Oh god. These guys are the Tommy Wiseau of news. They used to be so terrible that they were hilarious, but now that they've become conscious of and embraced their terribleness, it's hard to know whether to laugh or not.

Hey, DS/3DS owners? Solatorobo is a buncha fun. It's fairly easy, but it's got charming characters and a fun little story, and a moreishness to it that keeps me playing for hours, but you can still drop in, do a mission in a few minutes, and get back out.

Trust me: You definitely don't still want to fight him.

"Bloiiing"? No, no. It's more "Bwuuueii".

After the nuclear apocalypse, the world is full of bugs.

Now try a Bugle covered in chocolate.

Okay, Layton's based off of a minigame in the second Layton game, but should be recognizable if you know anything at all about... the entire Layton concept, which you should know by now if you're at all interested in portable videogames, and if not shame on you and see me after class.

Straightforward hip-bumping is too vanilla for Street Fighters. They're gonna do it while one is upside down and the other one's coming down from a three-meter-high jump, because they're JUST THAT BADASS!