
I wish they'd detail what that meant. Do they mean "current" as in "people who play it right NOW", or "current" as in "anyone playing anytime", or "current" as in "everyone playing when it's released"?

See, this is what kinda sucks about the Eshop. Every Thursday, the one place I look is "Recent Arrivals". There was no notification in the regular pushed messages, despite the fact that Nintendo notified people that it would happen *sometime*.

And yeah, the downloads went live in Europe today, too, despite no messages from Nintendo explaining that they were. I downloaded all ten games just now and tried out a couple of them. NES games don't look too bad on the 3DS screen.

Hey, it's true... Gill IS the cheatingest bastard in the history of Street Fighter games. Had to resort to AI abuse with Ken to beat him.

Apparently, if you've signed in to the online store with your 3DS before a certain date (mid-August, I think it was), you get to download those ten games for free once they're available.

I'll admit, I guffawed.

Oh hi, motion sickness. I'd almost forgotten about you since I couldn't finish watching "Cloverfield".

The only real hardware changes the 3DS needs:

Man, so much Dorkly hate. They have their moments, guys!

I definitely enjoyed Majora's Mask, but I will say that a lot of the mask quests were total Guide Dang It moments. I got through the game fine on my own (though as usual with a game, the few times I got completely lost without a freaking clue where to go, I would turn to a FAQ for the next step), but if anyone got all

SNES? Dear lord, no. That was a horrible port.

It's a good game, but there's not much to it. Besides, I've 100-percented the vastly superior GBA remake :)

So, wait, the movie would be okay if it was a guy doing all that inane crap?

European 3DS owners will likely enjoy that Mario's Picross is available on the Virtual Console store. That's the third Game Boy game worth downloading so far, then (the other two being the amazing Zelda 4: Link's Awakening and Donkey Kong).

As Laser Beams points out, don't bother with Brütal Legend. It's got a great world and story and style, but the gameplay just gets frustrating and chaotic after a while. When you spend your battles yelling at your stupid units who won't do what you want them to, getting lost thanks to the camera deciding to be

I knew that you knew that I knew that you thought you knew that I would throw spoilers into this post, so I didn't.

You can actually meet her early on, if you poke around a forest... I think between the mountain fort where you do the easy tower-defense stuff, and the port town where you board the ship to the vacation resort town where you find Hojo hanging around on the beach. You do a few random battles in that forest, Yuffie

Dammit, now I want an ice cream sandwich.

It's pretty easy. Just be a douche to all the girls, all the time.

The combat's not TOO easy, but I felt it was fairly repetitive. You kinda figure out quickly which motions to go through for a certain enemy, and then you repeat them for the rest of the dungeon. After a while I was just tolerating the grunt battles in order to get to the puzzles and boss fights.