
Lufia 2 is a game full of brilliant puzzles and mostly dull and repetitive but mercifully quick combat. I actually wanna play the PSP remake more than I wanna finish the SNES version, because that apparently keeps the puzzles but removes the turn-based dreck.

Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid are both very much Fuck Yeah.

C'mon, Capcom! 3D Classics! Now please!

Just in case you haven't done it: Get a can of compressed air, and shoot some high-pressure air through the air intakes and suchlike. Built-up dust makes for a lot of extra heat.

The "postgame" thing is becoming more and more of a trend, I think partly because of MMOs. Square Enix have been big on it lately, with both Dragon Quest 9 and Final Fantasy 13 having pretty extensive post-endgames. DQ9 even does precisely what you're asking... Drops you into the world after having defeated the

Enjoying the combat and setting is pretty much the key to getting through the first, oh, 20 hours of FF13. Besides Sazh's story, the plot's a confusing haphazard mess for that time too. I still enjoyed the game because I was trying to get good at the battles. And then once the game opens up, it gets hella addictive.

Yes, you're absolutely right. Let's not ever make up names for stuff. Like "mage". That's just silly. "Magic-throwing guy" works better.

I will say one thing: They've got the arcade atmosphere down perfectly here. This sounds pretty much exactly like the busy, grab-your-attention arcade cabinets of old. It looks and sounds cheap, gimmicky, and, hey... It's a downloadable, deliberately cheesy game.

Kuribo's Shoe (which, incidentally, should actually be called "Goomba's Shoe", since "Kuribo" is the Japanese name for "Goomba") was only in that one level in SMB3. I guess the creators of "Mario Adventure" found it too awesome to put in just one level :)

Now playing

Well, there's always the Mario Adventure romhack.

You could, actually, with the US and probably Japanese version of Super Mario 3 for the GBA. If you had one of those card readers, the game would allow you to scan cards you'd buy at the store, and thus save new levels on the cart.

The same happened to me. Oddly, when I tried to reload the page, it just went straight to the Dorkly video, which then worked.

Just completed Final Fantasy XIII. Took me about 70 hours, mostly because before I went to the final area, I ran around the open section of the game until I'd beat just about everything I COULD beat. And some monsters I don't think I was supposed to be able to beat yet, at least not without a LOT of equipment

Nine thousand - NINE THOUSAND dollars for a gaming laptop? Dear sweet Jesus!

And once more the European 3DS Virtual Console store brings a handful of meh. Qix is okay, I guess, but that shooter thing? That looks... painfully limited.

If you don't have a need to keep ALL the cases of your CDs, DVDs and games, you'll save a LOT of space by getting one of those CD suitcase type things. You know, the ones that hold 250-300 CDs/DVDs per case. Back when I was a student, I threw away shelves' worth of cases, and instead took most of my music, movie and

Don't be afraid to look at weapon upgrade paths at [] ... Though for your own enjoyment, skip the walkthrough bits. The weapon upgrade system takes so long figuring out, you'll be facing a LOT of frustration if you try to go at it on your own.

Xevious I could see being worth it, but... Urban Champion? Seriously?

Well, it's less about how good the game is, and more about the fact that it's a story-less score attack game.

Oh, Neil... Neil, what did you DO?